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Tire pressure monitoring kata in Python

CI Replit


This kata complements Clean Code: Advanced TDD, Ep. 23.

This repository contains two exercises designed to improve your skills in test-driven development. It represents code you inherited from a legacy code base.

As a first step, try to get some kind of test in place before you change the class at all. If the tests are hard to write, is that because of the problems with SOLID principles?

Exercise 1

Write the unit tests for the Alarm class. The Alarm class is designed to monitor tire pressure and set an alarm if the pressure falls outside of the expected range.

The Sensor class provided for the exercise simulates the behaviour of a real tire sensor, providing random but realistic values.

You can choose to use stubs, mocks, or none at all. If you do, you are free to use the mocking tool that you prefer.


If you decide to use mocks, we recommend using the unittest.mock mock object library.

Exercise 2

Use one of the mocking patterns: Self-Shunt, Test-Specific Subclass, or Humble Object. If you used one of them already, use another one.


You can import this project into Replit, and it will handle all dependencies automatically.


Run main

make run

Run tests

make test

Credits and references