Check the documentation added in:
ansible burp2_client deploy and maintenance role.
This roles builds burp version specified on defaults/main.yml. Also configures it to get it working and maintained in a centralized way.
Have burp2_server configured, recommended use ansible_burp2_server role from CoffeeITWorks:
Create host_vars or group_vars dirs.
Inside it you can add a file with the name of the group or the host where you want to add specific options of this role.
Required vars:
# You should change these in your group_vars/host_vars
burp_client_server: "" # IP of burp server
burp_client_ssl_peer_cn: "burpserver" # Hostname of burp server
burp_client_password: "password" # same password as set in incexc on server side
When you use group per location and have a burp2 server per location, you can use these variables per location/group.
Options vars:
burp_server_port_per_operation_bool: true
burp_client_port: "{{ burp_server_port | default(4971) }}"
burp_client_status_port: "{{ burp_server_status_port | default(4972) }}"
burp_client_pidfile: "/var/run/"
Since version 2.1.10
- Add the ability for the client to connect to different server ports
according to whether it is doing backup/restore/verify/list/delete. These ports are based on: CoffeeITWorks/ansible_burp2_server#11 Compatible since burp 2.1.10
burp_server_port_per_operation_bool: True
# Default optional vars to change:
# These are not needed to be changed, but showing here the
# defaults that we have in defaults/main.yml
burp_server_port_operation_restore: 4975
burp_server_port_operation_verify: 4976
burp_server_port_operation_list: 4977
burp_server_port_operation_delete: 4978
Check also all vars in defaults/main.yml
you can override any default using your host/group_vars
There are vars to choose burp version and more.
These options will setup /etc/burp/burp.conf
This role was main developed by Diego Daguerre with collaboration of Pablo Estigarribia (pablodav at gmail)
- @planet-winter (Daniel Winter): FreeBSD 11 support
Main page:
Main page:
For defaults linux tests, You can check the steps in .travis.yml
And use standard tests too:
sudo molecule test
For FreeBSD 11 you can also use [molecule/freebsd/INSTALL.rst]. Then use scenario freebsd:
molecule create -s freebsd
molecule converge -s freebsd
molecule idempotence -s freebsd
molecule destroy -s freebsd