- Training Mode After have all the environment download and installed, You can test out the simulator by opening it up and choosing "Training Mode". Use the mouse or keyboard to navigate around the environment and see how it looks. After that you can started recording data from the training mode and saving it in a IMG folder after
2.Autonomous To navigate autonomously we have to call drive_rover.py. We have to complete perception.py and decision.py. In these files we find the functions called perception_step() and decision_step() that we have to complete in order to run drive_rover.py and see how it works autonomously. All of these files could be found in file named code.
drive_rover.py should work as is if you have all the required Python packages installed. Call it at the command line like this:
python drive_rover.py
Then you have to launch the simulator and choose "Autonomous Mode" and the rover starts to move!