LearnEX Restful service The service provides functionality to manage student affairs. It allows you to get access to student details. It allows you to send emails to students
- git clonehttps://github.com/Collins33/learnEX-backend.git
- cd into the project folder
- run
npm install
- create an account on mongo DB atlas
- create a mongo atlas database
- ensure the IP security settings allow connctions from everywhere
- copy the connection url given to you.
- create nodemon.json file
- add the database connection given to you
"MONGO_DATABASE_URL": "database url given"
- Contact me for credentials for using on the spreadsheet functionality
Ensure the following is done before starting the server:
- Go to google account and generate credentials for your google account
- create .env file
- add the following
- run
npm start
- create test database on mongo atlas
- ensure the IP security settings allow connctions from everywhere
- save the database url given
"MONGO_DATABASE_TEST_URL":"test database url given"
- run
npm test
GET /api/v1/emails/send | This will send emails to the students |
GET /api/V1/students | Get information about the students |
GET /api/V1/students/:studentId | This will get information about a specific student |
- NODE/EXPRESS - The web framework used
- npm - Dependency Management
- Mongo Atlas-Database
This project is licensed under the MIT License