Auto light is consisted by two parts
- inertial remote controller
- control board to control the LED strips
Using a GR-KURUMI(A more enegy efficient arduino) to manage with Inertial sensor(MPU6050) Radio module While the acceleration is grater than 0.3G and maintain 0.1G after 50ms is sends signal to LED strips control board No acceleration Accelerated Back
Provides a button to switch the LED strips into different modes(No restriction), and a receiver in pair with the remote controller (while receiving signal from remote controller the LED strips can only be lit on at right time, and right ambient light).
Removed a button to switch the LED strips into different modes(to reduce the control board size, also, it's redundant), and a receiver in pair with the remote controller (while receiving signal from remote controller the LED strips can only be lit on at right time, and right ambient light). Control board MAX44009 Whole LED part Light on