A Paystack ( https://paystack.com/ ) API wrapper with python
Please see https://paystack.com/docs/api/ for the most up-to-date documentation for the Paystack API.
pip install paystackpy
from paystackpy import Transaction, Customer, Plan, Transfer, Verification
""" All Response objects are formatted as dictionary containing status_code, status, message and data """
#Instantiate the transaction object to handle transactions. #Pass in your authorization key - if not set as environment variable PAYSTACK_AUTHORIZATION_KEY
transaction = Transaction(authorization_key="sk_mypaystackauthorizationkey")
response = transaction.charge("customer@domain.com", "CustomerAUTHcode", 10000) #Charge a customer in Kobo.
response = transaction.verify("refcode") #Verify a transaction given a reference code "refcode".
#Instantiate the customer class to manage customers
customer = Customer(authorization_key="sk_mypaystackauthorizationkey")
response = customer.create("customer2@gmail.com", "John", "Doe", phone="080*********") #Add new customer
response = customer.getone(1234) #Get customer with id of 1234
response = customer.getall() #Get all customers
#Instantiate the plan class to manage plans
plan = Plan(authorization_key="sk_mypaystackauthorizationkey")
response = plan.create("Test Plan", 150000, 'Weekly') #Add new plan
response = plan.getone(240) #Get plan with id of 240
response = plan.getall() #Get all plans
#Instantiate the transaction class for transfer
transfer = Transfer(authorization_key="sk_mypaystackauthorizationkey")
response = transfer.create_transfer_recipient(receipt_type="nuban", name="Customer", metadata={}, account_number="092********", bank_code="058", currency="NGN", description="SOME TEXT", authorization_code="code")
#Verify BVN match
verify = Verification(authorization_key="sk_mypaystackauthorizationkey")
response = verify.verify_bvn_match("bvn", "account_number", "bank_code", "first_name", "last_name")
#Resolve BVN standard
verify = Verification(authorization_key="sk_mypaystackauthorizationkey")
response = verify.resolve_bvn_standard("bvn")
#Resolve BVN premium
verify = Verification(authorization_key="sk_mypaystackauthorizationkey")
response = verify.resolve_bvn_premium("bvn")
#Resolve Account number
verify = Verification(authorization_key="sk_mypaystackauthorizationkey")
response = verify.resolve_account_number("account_number", "bank_code")
#Resolve Card BIN
verify = Verification(authorization_key="sk_mypaystackauthorizationkey")
response = verify.resolve_card_bin("bin")