- Convert a pdf file (or folder of pdf's) into a series of nodes in cherrytree. That cherrytree can be merged into a larger cherrytree. Linux only for now.
- PdfToCherryTree is a product of 19% security solutions
- python3 -m pip install wand
- sudo sed -i '/disable ghostscript format types/,+6d' /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
- Synatx: python3 PdfToCherry.py inputPdf outputCtd
- Example: python3 /root/Desktop/PdfDirOrPdf/ /root/Desktop/TempCherryTree.ctd
- Note: The goal of this tool is to turn the PDF into a node in a temporary CherryTree that you can then merge with your functional CherryTree.
- This tool will not parse nodes, or add to an existing CherryTree.
- You can put a folder in place of inputPdf and the tool will convert all Pdf's (and only Pdf's) into their own node in the outputCtd CherryTree.
- This tool will only work on linux (could be ported with relative ease).
- Be sure to make your outfile a .ctd so cherrytree knows to open it as an unprotected xml.
- Please contact me at CoolHandSquid32@gmail.com for suggestions and ideas! (I'd be willing to make this work for windows if asked nicely...)