#Incremental DB-Sync Util
This utility tool takes a xml file, generated by Hibernate (hibernate.hbm.xml) and generates a sql file. This sql-file contains statements to create triggers and tables to listen to changes in the database persistence.
You can get this help dialog by executing: java -jar IncrementalDBSyncUtils.jar --help
Although this tool is written in Scala, the library is embedded - you'll only need the JAVA 8 JRE.
Hibernate XML to SQL Trigger Generator
Usage: IncrementalDBSyncUtils [options] <input xml> <output sql>
<input xml> Specify input hibernate xml file
<output sql> Specify output sql file
-p, --prefix <prefix> Table and trigger name prefix in database
-r, --reset Creates statements to empty all trigger tables (with a proper mapping provided).
-v, --verbose Enables detailed console output
-d, --debug <file> Prints all parsed Tables and Columns into an debug file
-e, --event <minutes> Event interval when old logging entries get removed (Minutes). Set to 0 or -1 to disable removal.
-e, --exclude <type>,<type>,...
Does exclude sql commands for specific hibernate-types (ID, Property, ManyToOne, Bag, CompositeID). Default: Bag
-c, --clear Creates statements to drop all tables and triggers of the provided mapping.
##Event Scheduler
By default, the generator creates events to remove old logging values on a regular basis. To work properly, the event scheduler must be enabled on the server. You can change the interval or disable event creation with the event