Starting a fresh install of macOS and linux can be such a pain - all of your apps are gone and none of your settings are configured. Here's a collection of scripts, applications, CLI tools, extensions, config files, and dotfiles that make re-installing a breeze.
If you are interested in setting up dotfiles, you should fork this repository, review the code, and remove and edit any things you don’t want or need. Use at your own risk!
Clone this repo to the hidden ~/.config directory in your home directory to restore your app's configuration files!
Run this:
git clone ~/.config
cd ~/.config
Navigate to /fresh/fonts and manually open all of the fonts in the folder. This will install them system-wide on your OS. MesloLGS NF provides really nice glyphs for your terminals:
Brew lets macOS and Linux users install applications from the command line. This lets users easily script and automate their app installation and configuration process using my fresh repo.
Enter the following in terminal:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
To install off your apps outlined in, enter the following in terminal to run a script that will download as many app as possible using homebrew.
source ~/.config/
source ~/.config/
source ~/.config/
Download my favorite apps from the App store or independent websites:
- Tot - Tiny Quick Note-taking app
- Meeter - Show upcoming meetings in your menubar and easily launch the appropriate app
- Gestimer - Easily set a reminder from your menubar
- ColorSlurp - Color picker for macOS
- Reeder 5 - RSS Reader, which uses a self-hosted instance of FreshRSS on my Unraid server
- Scrobbles for - Tracks my music listening history
Shortcuts: Disable Spotlight in preparation for enabling Alfred as default shortcut using cmd + space.
Create a new profile in Preferences > Profile named corbet Colors > Color presets > Tango Light
Session > Status bar enabled and Configure Status Bar. Add git state, CPU utilization, Memory utilization. Click Auto-Rainbow.
Repeat the settings for the Dark profile Mark dark profile and select Other Actions > Set as default.
Download the font files for from fonts/ and double-click to open them all to follow "Install Font".
Navigate to the iterm2 Preferences > Profiles > Text > Font and search for to select the font. Save and restart iTerm2.
You can enforce a reinstall by running the two commands below, the second command only reinstalls all application casks.
brew reinstall $(brew list)
brew reinstall $(brew list --cask)
Do you think I would be a valuable asset to your software development team? I am currently open to employment - e-mail me at!
Unofficial Guide to Github Dotfile - Great resource.
dotfiles - Original inspiration for my dotfile creation Backing up VS Code with dotfiles and symlinks - Backup up VS Code, a great app.
Oh My Zsh + Powerlevel 10k Terminal - While Terminal is great, there are many great plugins for iterm 2 that make it great
More dotfiles templates - More dotfile inspos
Another amazing dotfile guide - Helped me simplify this process.