A curated list of COVID-19 resources that CoronaWhy community is using
- CoronaWhy Cloud Infrastrucure - Overview of cloud services that CoronaWhy launched
Here you can find list of datasets that are ready to be used as input
CoronaWhy Dataverse - the Dataverse instance where we store all of our datasets
COVID-19 Open Research Dataset - the main dataset for COVID-19 kaggle competition.
CoronaWhy datasets - Kaggle dataset repo for all the produced datasets walkthrough.
- Kaggle storage client - Simple to use client to connect to Kaggale dataset backend written in Python.
Spreadsheet of datasets - external datasets used by CoronaWhy community.
common - resources shared among all task repositories.
CORD-19-QA - Neural multi-doc question answering on the CORD-19 dataset.
- task-vt - "What do we know about vaccines and therapeutics?" trello, wiki.
- task-geo - "Help us understand how geography affects virality." - trello.
- task-risks - "What do we know about COVID-19 risk factors?" trello.
- task-ties - "What is known about transmission, incubation, and environmental stability?" trello.
I’m an AI researcher and here’s how I fight corona by Artur Kiulian
Exploration of Document Clustering with SPECTER Embeddings by Brandon Eychaner
COVID-19 Research Papers Geolocation by Ishan Sharma
Sweeping Towards Better Coronavirus Forecasting by Isaac Godfried
Transferring Knowledge on Time Series with the Transformer by Isaac Godfried
COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19) - Main Kaggle competition that CoronaWhy community is addressing.
COVID19 Global Forecasting (Week 2) - Kaggle competition with a well defined ML task.
- airtable by community@neu.is - lots and lots of Solutions and Initiatives for COVID-19.
- awesome-coronavirus - nuff said.
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To the extent possible under law, Anton has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.