This repo is no longer actively updated. Source code is circa 2019.
CTRE Phoenix Application-Level Library for Java and C++
Relevant Source Files are located in the following locations:
C++: src/main/native Java: src/main/java
FRC C++ Toolchain
Java Development Kit 8u77 (Any other version risks gradle incompatibility)
Phoenix libraries are pulled down as a maven dependency for all builds. You will need either an internet connection OR to have installed Phoenix locally to satisfy these dependencies.
FRC NetComm library is pulled down as a dependency for athena (roboRIO) builds. This requires an internet connection or a local copy of the corresponding WPI maven artifact.
To build, run ./gradlew build
This will build binaries but will not place them into a maven-style artifact. Binaries can be found in the build/libs folder.
To publish to a maven-style repository, use ./gradlew publish
By default this will publish maven artifacts to {Userhome}/releases/maven/development.
Where the version of Phoenix is typically Maj.Min.Build-[classifier], these artifacts will be versioned as Maj.424242.Min.Build-[suffix]-[classifier].
This repository also contains a 'Phoenix-dev.json' file that will reference locally published artifacts. To use this file:
- Modify 'Phoenix-dev.json' to replace 'C:/Users/[Username]' with your UserHome folder. For Windows users, you will likely only need to replace your Username in the path.
- Copy 'Phoenix-dev.json' into your project's 'vendordeps' folder. Be sure to remove any existing Phoenix.json file from the vendordeps directory to avoid dependency conflicts.