A way to search for Conan packages across the web, and view additional information about them. You can find it here.
- Search results updated-as-you-type
- Packages from repositories outside conan-center
- Quick information about what is packaged (description, licenses, authors, links, code example, etc.)
- View README, the
and more - See packages wishes rankes by their popularity
If you just want to report an error in an existing package or notify us about a missing package you can skip the steps below and head straight to reporting an issues.
This repository consist of three things:
- Static data files (conan_inquiry/data/packages)
- Scripts to find new packages, generate the full JSON file from the static data files and validate the result (conan_inquiry)
- A web interface using the generated JSON (conan_inquiry/data/web)
When updating the list of packages the usual workflow is as follows:
- Add at least one package for each fully new repository
- Run
mkdir build && cd build
- Run
python -m conan_inquiry find
to find new packages - Run
python -m conan_inquiry generate
(see below for more information) to gather additional data and generate an aggregated package file - Run
python -m conan_inquiry validate
to find any missing fields (start from the top of the output)- Fix all (otherwise you'll waste ratelimit resource) severe issues it reports
- Repeat (generate -> validate -> fix) until there are no more issues
- Run
python -m conan_inquiry wishlist
to renew to wishlist data - Run
python -m conan_inquiry server
and openlocalhost:8000
in a browser - Run
python -m conan_inquiry deploy
to upload everything to a gh-pages branch
You need to have Git and Python 3 installed. Then clone the project using git and install the dependencies using pip:
git clone https://github.com/Croydon/conan_inquiry
cd conan_inquiry
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 ve
source ve/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: It is highly recommended that you use a virtualenv.
In order to be able to test/use the web interface you need to run the generator.
In order to be able to run the generator you need a couple of access tokens to different sites.
- Github client ID and secret from here
- Github token from here
- Bintray API key from here -> API Key
- Kitware GitLab token from here
Note: You currently need ALL of these in order to run the generator
Then put them in environment variables before running the generator:
mkdir build && cd build
python python -m conan_inquiry generate
Copy a generated packages.js
to conan_inquiry/data/web
and open index.html
in your browser of choice.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.
- Jan Dalheimer - Initial work and maintainer
See also the list of contributors for everyone who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Everyone who has contributed to the Conan project
- Bincrafters, who have created many of the package recipes
- @PurpleBooth for the README template