Class for fetching localized strings based on a Locale from a Bundle's .strings and .stringsdict files
Publishing new versions with GitHub Actions is easy.
- Ensure you set a new version in RequestOperation.podspec. The new version can't already exist as a tag.
- Create a pull request on main and once merged into main GitHub actions will handle tagging the version and pushing to the CruGlobal specs repo.
Steps to publish new versions for Cocoapods and Swift Package Manager.
Edit LocalizationServices.podspec s.version to the newly desired version following Major.Minor.Patch.
Run command 'pod lib lint LocalizationServices.podspec' to ensure it can deploy without any issues (
Merge the s.version change into the main branch and then tag the main branch with the new version and push the tag to remote (Swift Package Manager relies on tags).
Run command 'pod repo push cruglobal-cocoapods-specs LocalizationServices.podspec' to push to CruGlobal cocoapods specs ( You can also run command 'pod repo list' to see what repos are currently added and 'pod repo add cruglobal-cocoapods-specs' to add repos (
Cru Global Specs Repo:
Private Cocoapods: