Mine cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) using CryptoLoot from node.js
npm install
const CryptoLoot = require('crypto-loot');
(async () => {
// Create miner
const miner = await CryptoLoot('c1c47c54deeb6d75cc54b2bbf858cbab80fe1d2f715d'); // crypto-loot's Site Key
// Start miner
await miner.start();
// Listen on events
miner.on('found', () => console.log('Found!'))
miner.on('accepted', () => console.log('Accepted!'))
miner.on('update', data => console.log(`
Hashes per second: ${data.hashesPerSecond}
Total hashes: ${data.totalHashes}
Accepted hashes: ${data.acceptedHashes}
// Stop miner
setTimeout(async () => await miner.stop(), 60000);
cd bin
./crypto-loot <site-key>
<site-key>: Your CryptoLoot Site Key
--username Set a username for the miner
--interval Interval between updates (logs)
--port Port for the miner server
--host Host for the miner server
--threads Number of threads for the miner
--proxy Proxy socket 5/4, for example: socks5://
--puppeteer-url URL where puppeteer will point to, by default is miner server (host:port)
CryptoLoot(siteKey[, options])
: Returns a promise of aMiner
instance. It requires a crypto-loot Site Key. Theoptions
object is optional and may contain the following properties:-
: Set a username for the miner. See CryptoLoot.User. -
: Interval betweenupdate
events in ms. Default is1000
. -
: Port for the miner server. Default is3002
. -
: Host for the miner server. Default islocalhost
. -
: Number of threads. Default isnavigator.hardwareConcurrency
(number of CPU cores). -
: Puppeteer's proxy socket 5/4 (ie:socks5://
: Connect to the pool and start mining. Returns a promise that will resolve once the miner is started. -
: Stop mining and disconnect from the pool. Returns a promise that will resolve once the miner is stopped. -
: Stop mining, disconnect from the pool, shutdown the server and close the headless browser. Returns a promise that will resolve once the miner is dead. -
miner.on(event, callback)
: Specify a callback for an event. The event types are:-
: InformshashesPerSecond
. -
: The connection to our mining pool was opened. Usually happens shortly after miner.start() was called. -
: The miner successfully authed with the mining pool and the siteKey was verified. Usually happens right after open. -
: The connection to the pool was closed. Usually happens when miner.stop() was called. -
: An error occured. In case of a connection error, the miner will automatically try to reconnect to the pool. -
: A new mining job was received from the pool. -
: A hash meeting the pool's difficulty was found and will be send to the pool. -
: A hash that was sent to the pool was accepted.
miner.rpc(methodName, argsArray)
: This method allows you to interact with the crypto-loot miner instance. It returns a Promise that resolves the the value of the remote method that was called. The miner intance API can be found here. Here's an example:
var miner = await CryptoLoot('PUBLIC_SITE_KEY');
await miner.rpc('isRunning'); // false
await miner.start();
await miner.rpc('isRunning'); // true
await miner.rpc('getThrottle'); // 0
await miner.rpc('setThrottle', [0.5]);
await miner.rpc('getThrottle'); // 0.5
All the following environment variables can be used to configure the miner from the outside:
: crypto-loot's Site Key -
: Set a username to the miner. See CryptoLoot.User. -
: The interval on which the miner reports an update -
: Number of threads -
: The port that will be used to launch the server, and where puppeteer will point to -
: The host that will be used to launch the server, and where puppeteer will point to -
: In case you don't want to point puppeteer to the local server, you can use this to make it point somewhere else where the miner is served (ie:CryptoLoot_PUPPETEER_URL=http://crypto-loot.herokuapp.com
) -
: Set the CryptoLoot JavaScript Miner url. By defualt this ishttps://crypto-loot.com/lib/miner.min.js
. -
: Puppeteer's proxy socket 5/4 (ie:CryptoLoot_PROXY=socks5://
- Node v8+
Shoutout to cazala for making the NodeJS Client possible!
Install these dependencies:
sudo apt-get -y install gconf-service libasound2 libatk1.0-0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1-3 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libgconf-2-4 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libglib2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libnspr4 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libstdc++6 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget