The Cygnus SDK is a comprehensive tool designed specifically for the Internet Computer, offering convenient canister management with auto top-up and withdrawal functionality. This SDK package consists of two essential files:
- This file contains various types necessary for smooth integration. It also includes access control validation, ensuring that only whitelisted principlaIDs and Cygnus Canister have permission to access these methods.
- This file includes two crucial methods that should be copied into the main actor of your canister.
Integrating the Cygnus SDK into your canister involves the following steps:
Import Dependencies in the Actor file:
Make sure to include the following dependencies in your main actor file if you haven't already done so:
import Principal "mo:base/Principal"; import Cycles "mo:base/ExperimentalCycles";
Import the Cygnus dependency file into your main actor file:
import Cygnus "Cygnus";
Add Principal ID to the array of whitelistedPrincipalIds in the file. Only whitelisted PrincipalID can register new canisters using the Cygnus front tool or Candid. To add a Principal ID, follow these steps: 1. Open the file. 2. Locate the whitelistedPrincipalIds array. 3. Add the desired Principal IDs as elements of the array. Example:
let whitelistedPrincipalIds : [ Text ] = [ "evwewe-w2wib-fjqum2-5cqnb-56v7f-xptd4-thtkc-vevew-riuws-5wug4-001", "evwewe-w2wib-fjqum2-5cqnb-56v7f-xptd4-thtkc-vevew-riuws-5wug4-002", ];
Import the Two Restrictive Methods: The following methods are restricted and can only be accessed by the Cygnus backend canister and whitelisted PrincipalIDs.
fetchCanisterStatus method: Use this method to retrive the status of your canister.-
The auxPrincipalId parameter is used when a user is registering a canister through Candid. Only whitelisted PrincipalIDs can make an Candid call to register a new canister.
public shared (msg) func fetchCanisterStatus(auxPrincipalId : ?Principal) : async Cygnus.CanisterStatus { let cygnusClass = Cygnus.Cygnus(); cygnusClass.validateUser(msg.caller, auxPrincipalId); await cygnusClass.getStatus(Principal.fromActor(Main)); };
- (Optional) approveCycleWithdrawal Method: This method enables the withdrawal of cycles from your canister. Its implementation is optional, but not using this method will result in the inability to withdraw cycles from your canister.-
public shared (msg) func approveCycleWithdrawal(withdrawAmount : Nat) : async () { let cygnusClass = Cygnus.Cygnus(); cygnusClass.validateUser(msg.caller, null); let sendablelimit : Nat = Cycles.balance(); let sendableCycles = if (withdrawAmount <= sendablelimit) withdrawAmount else sendablelimit; Cycles.add(sendableCycles); await cygnusClass.CygnusCanitser.acceptWithdrwalCyclesFromOtherCanitsers(); };