This is Cyrus2D.
- Team Members Social
- Hero Responsive for Mobile
add post in _posts.
add images in assets.
use html for images in _posts markdown.
Things you can customize in _data/settings.yml
(no HTML/CSS):
- General Settings ( name, logo, email, phone, address )
- Hero Section
- About Section
- Team Section
- Skills Section
- Experience Section
- Achivement Section
- Services Section
- Portfolio Section
- Testimonials Section
- Sponsers Slider Section
- Contact Section
- Members Section
To run the theme locally, navigate to the theme directory and run bundle install
to install the dependencies, then run jekyll serve
or bundle exec jekyll serve
to start the Jekyll server.
I would recommend checking the Deployment Methods page on Jekyll's website.
Copyright (c) 2016 - Present, Designed & Developed by Themefisher Kross Jekyll Creative Portfolio Template ported from Kross HTML Template
Code License: Released under the MIT license.