Source ROOT version 5.34/36 independently (currently no CMSSW version with ROOT 5.34.X with X>18 available), e.g at PSI:
source /swshare/ROOT/root_v5.34.32_precompiled/root/bin/thisroot/.sh
export GITUSER=`git config user.github`
echo "Your github username has been set to \"$GITUSER\""
git clone git@github.com:${GITUSER}/boostedWScalefactorProducer.git
cd boostedWScalefactorProducer
git remote add originalRemote git@github.com:thaarres/boostedWScalefactorProducer.git
git fetch originalRemote
git checkout -b DevelopmentBranch thaarres/DevelopmentBranch
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
cd boostedWScalefactorProducer
python Automatic_Setup.py --vclean 1
python Automatic_Setup.py #To compile
python wtagSFfits.py -b #To run
The basic script to be run is
python wtagSFfits.py
It takes as input .root files containing a TTree with a branch for the mass distribution you want to calculate a scalefactor for. This branch can contain events after full selection is applied, or new selections can be implemented on the fly in wtagSFfits.py. In addition to a data and the separate background MC files, you need one file called "pseudodata wchich contains all MC added together (with their appropriate weights, using ROOT hadd).
General Options:
-b : To run without X11 windows
-c : channel you are using(electron,muon or electron+muon added together)
--HP : HP working point
--LP : LP working point
--fitTT : Only do fits to truth matched tt MC
--fitMC : Only do fits to MC (test fit functions)
--sample : name of TT MC eg --sample "herwig"
--doBinned : to do binned simultaneous fit (default is unbinned)
--76X : Use files with postfix "_76X" (change to postfix of your choice if running on several different samples)
--useDDT : Uses DDT tagger instead of pruning+softdrop (ops! Requires softdrop variables)
--usePuppiSD : Uses PUPPI + softdrop and PUPPI n-subjettiness