The MTC solution consists of 3 core projects...
- Pupil Check Application (
) - Check Administration Application (
) - Electron Container for Pupil Check Application (
See each projects readme for app specifics.
Build and Release is performed from VSO to deployment targets (currently Heroku, and back to Azure in July)
Under the VSO builds tab we have 2 jobs which create and publish Docker container images for the Pupil Check & Check Admin applications respectively.
Once these builds complete successfully they trigger the release process.
Under the VSO releases tab we have 2 jobs which release the newly published container images to the Linux App Service instances in Azure.
Important - The releases feature allows you to edit either the main release definition OR a prior release. If you wish to edit the main release definition you must click the elipsis next to the release definition. Do not edit a prior release as your changes will only be saved to that specific release instance. Editing a release instance is only useful when trying different settings without editing the main release. VSO does not make this very obvious.