Microblog is a full stack app where users can create/edit/delete posts, create/delete comments on those posts, and vote up/down on the posts as well. It uses React, Redux, and Redux-Thunk on the frontend, and Node/Express and PostgreSQL on the backend.
See a live demo at https://microblog.demo.davidcsommers.dev/
- Install Node.js and npm
- Install PostgreSQL
- Git clone this repo and
into it
cd backend
psql < data.sql
(creates microblog db and seeds a little data)npm install
npm start
cd frontend
(from base project directory)npm install
npm start
- Node - Server Runtime Environment
- Express - Node Web App Framework
- PostgreSQL - Relational Database
- React - FE JS Framework
- React-Router - Library to create single page app
- React-Redux - State management library
- Redux-Thunk - Redux middleware to allow async action creators
- React-Bootstrap - Bootstrap components as React components
- React-Flip-Toolkit - Animation library for reordering list components
- axios - http client
Rithm Staff
Note: This was a pair project at Rithm bootcamp, focused on building the frontend with React/Redux. The frontend was entirely built by Nicholai and myself (I came back afterwards and tweaked it). The backend is kindly provided by Rithm staff.