Welcome to the Sample Programs in Every Language repository! What began as a simple 100 Days of Code challenge has expanded into a fun project. Within this repository, you'll find a growing collection of sample programs in just about every programming language to date.
To get up to speed quickly, check out the contributing doc. Otherwise, here are some helpful links:
- Wiki: a set of dynamic tables that track every language and snippet in the repo
- Projects: a list of projects currently accepting code snippets
- Discord: an invite to our community discord
- Code of Conduct: a copy of the Contributor Convenant
- License: a copy of the MIT license document
- News: a series of articles about what's happening in the repo
- Template: a template repo, so you can create your own collection
Sample Programs in Every Language is a project run by myself, Jeremy Grifski, as a part of my website, The Renegade Coder. If you're looking to support The Renegade Coder, check out my list of ways you can grow the site. To summarize, here are a few links you can use to support this project:
- Subscribe to the The Renegade Coder
- Support via PayPal
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- Comment & Share Articles
- Follow Me on Twitter
- Join the Community on Discord
Thanks for your support!
Many of the solutions in this repo were created in collaboration with folks trying to accomplish similar goals. Special thanks to the following folks for sharing their work with our repo:
- @auroq for their development of Glotter
- @joesephwegner for their ineverylang Repo
- @toturkmen for their Baklava Repo