ResourceLib wrapper for applying 7-zip themes.
Uses Vestris.ResourceLib 2.2.0-beta0004. All commands require full paths.
Change the icons for supported 7-zip filetypes.
Icons should follow the 7zTM naming convention of extension.ico
Multiple theme directories can be used, in which case the last available filetype icons will be applied.
# Edit-7zFiletypeIcon [-SevenZipPath] <DirectoryInfo> [-FilePath] <DirectoryInfo[]>
Edit-7zFiletypeIcon -SevenZipPath 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\' -FilePath 'C:\temp\7zTM\filetype\'
Change the toolbar images in 7-zip.
The BMP images will need to be in a subfolder named based on their resolution. Currently this will be either 24x24
or 48x36
The BMP images themselves should be named after the button they're for, these are currently:
Add, Extract, Test, Copy, Move, Delete, Info
Multiple theme directories can be used, in which case the last available BMP images will be applied.
# Edit-7zToolbarIcon [-SevenZipPath] <DirectoryInfo> [-FilePath] <DirectoryInfo[]>
Edit-7zToolbarIcon -SevenZipPath 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\' -FilePath 'C:\temp\7zTM\toolbar\'
Change the icon(s) for 7-zip.
At least one switch should be selected for this to do anything, but multiple can be used at once if it's for the same icon.
# Edit-7zIcon [-SevenZipPath] <DirectoryInfo> [-FilePath] <DirectoryInfo> [-FileManagerIcon] [-GUIIcon] [-PluginIcon] [-SFXIcon]
Edit-7zToolbarIcon -SevenZipPath 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\' -FilePath 'C:\temp\7zTM\SFX Icon\Some icon file.ico' -SFXIcon
The structure of C:\temp\7zTM
in the examples might be as follows.
│ 001.ico
│ 7z.ico
│ arj.ico
│ bz2.ico
│ cab.ico
│ cpio.ico
│ deb.ico
│ dmg.ico
│ fat.ico
│ gz.ico
│ hfs.ico
│ iso.ico
│ lha.ico
│ lzh.ico
│ ntfs.ico
│ rar.ico
│ rpm.ico
│ sqfs.ico
│ tar.ico
│ vhd.ico
│ wim.ico
│ xar.ico
│ xz.ico
│ z.ico
│ zip.ico
├───SFX Icon
│ Some icon file.ico
│ Add.bmp
│ Copy.bmp
│ Delete.bmp
│ Extract.bmp
│ Info.bmp
│ Move.bmp
│ Test.bmp