Java 기반의 실시간 주가 표시 어플리케이션 (한국거래소 전용)
Real-time stock tickers from the command-line based on Java
- Java 10+
- Dependencies
- commons-cli:commons-cli:1.4
- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.9
- org.json:json:20180813
- org.jsoup:jsoup:1.11.3
First, build the project to generate the jar file.
# Single symbol with refresh interval 250 millis:
# 예) 단일 코드, 새로고침 간격 0.25초:
$ java -jar ./java-stock-ticker-krx.jar -i 250 -s 207760
# Multiple symbols with refresh interval 250 millis:
# 예) 다중 코드, 새로고침 간격 0.25초:
$ java -jar ./java-stock-ticker-krx.jar -i 250 -s 100030 101730 105550 115440 115450
This app only supports stocks registered on the Korea Exchange(krx). This app uses the Naver Finance API.
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