Hi 👋,
welcome in this frontend playground. We are were interested in what magic skills you have, so we prepared this teeny weeny task for you.
It's pretty simple. You're given 4 tasks: 0. (Optional) Customize your development environment if you need to.
- Style simple card component according template here: https://imgur.com/a/4giahL8. Every card has these required properties: title, description and image. If the description is too long, display only the first 150 characters.
- Style cards layout component – grid 3𐄂3. Each card should be possible to remove. It would be nice load more cards after click on button 'Load more' or something like that.
- Asynchronously load cards data from https://dev.ntvr.co/react-challenge-api/data.json. Data ID corresponds with image ID.
- Implement search input to filter specific cards according title or description.
- (Optional) Render card image using lazy loading. It's possible to use third party packages.
The implementation should take approximately an 4 hours (with optional tasks even longer, ~5 hours). If you'll hit a snag, don't hesitate to ask for help.
So, we wish you happy coding and good luck 🍀