This repository contains a multi-module project that contains both core functionality of the Dairy project, and sub-libraries built on the project.
This repository also contains a copy of the FTC Robot Controller project, to enable fast development, and a single repository combination of source code and implementation samples.
Each section below will go over the appropriate installation instructions.
The Dairy Foundation Discord is suitable for both users and potential developers of all experience levels.
Examples are built into this monorepo:
Dairy has been in development for a long time, and is currently in a 1.0.0 release phase, and we would love to get feedback, We use GitHub issues to help track progress on development work, but, we can be found on our Discord, the Unofficial FTC Discord Server, Or @Froze-n-Milk can be emailed via
The parts of this repository from FIRST's SDK are licensed under FIRST's BSD 3-Clause Clear License
Dairy is licensed under the same license