Provides code to enable working with the LMS Command Line Interface via JSON-RPC.
The Lyrion Music Server (LMS) has a Command Line Interface which can be used via JSON/RPC and via Telnet. The JSON/RPC is simpler to use, responses are easier to read etc.
The JSON/RPC interface can be accessed using any language or mechanism capable of handling JSON/RPC - that includes Python, Javascript.
The purpose of this Repo is to provide a minimal amount of code to assist users to get started with the CLI. This Repo is not intended to be a comprehensive library for interaction with LMS etc.
For each language included there will be:
- a module or code chunk which can handle JSON/RPC connections to LMS
- a few examples of how that code can be used with the LMS CLI command
The code here is intended to be used in conjunction with the CLI Reference material on the documentation site
- Link to Documentation site
- Navigation to CLI material: - Reference -> Command Line Interface (JSON/RPC)
- Introduction page for the CLI Documentation
- Currently:
- Python
- Next to be introduced
- Javascript
- Others
- TBA - feel free to make suggestions via the Issues tab