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Releases: Dalufishe/palserver-GUI


18 Sep 19:29
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電腦出了些問題,感謝 @LilaS-tw 大大幫忙打包 1.0.6 版本!

  • 更新 Palguard 到 v963。


  • 解決伺服器無法啟動、閃退問題。
  • 白名單功能恢復正常。

New Content

There were some issues with the computer, so thanks to @LilaS-tw for helping to package version 1.0.6!

  • Updated Palguard to v963.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the server couldn't start and was crashing.
  • Whitelist functionality has been restored.


08 Jul 09:31
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1.0.5 版本主要修復 1.0.4 版某些玩家世界設定選項無法正確設置的問題,另外重做了自動重啟 & 加上崩潰重啟功能。


  • 崩潰重啟功能。
  • 加上 Steam / XBox 平台選擇設置選項。
  • 更新 Palguard 到 v889。


  • 修復某些玩家無法設置據點上限、據點帕魯上限問題。
  • 修復某些玩家世界設定選項點擊確定修改未正確設置且按鈕未消失問題。
  • 修復自動重啟功能 (允許關閉獨立進程時使用)。
  • 給予帕魯加上漏掉的輝月伊。

Version 1.0.5 mainly fixes issues in version 1.0.4 where some players were unable to correctly set world configuration options. Additionally, it reworks the auto-restart feature and adds a crash-restart function.

New Content

  • Crash-restart function.
  • Added Steam / Xbox platform selection settings.
  • Updated Palguard to v889.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where some players couldn't set the base limit and the Pals limit.
  • Fixed the issue where some players' world configuration options were not correctly set after clicking confirm, and the button did not disappear.
  • Fixed the auto-restart function (allowing use when closing standalone processes).
  • Added the missing Selyne to Pals.


01 Jul 21:09
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1.0.4 更新,加上了存檔保護 & 移除了許多惹人厭的功能,以及我和小幫手爆肝做了 3 天的櫻島道具翻譯及分類 QAQ

為了您的存檔安全,會建議升級到此較 1.0.3 穩定的版本。


  • 給予道具、帕魯加上櫻島更新 :D。
  • 給予道具、帕魯面板順序調整,比照帕魯編年史網站的順序。
  • 給予道具及帕魯加上簡體中文。
  • 刪除每次開啟應用時執行系統安裝 (steamcmd 下載),僅在遊戲版本更新時下載。
  • 修正部分玩家 (大部分是從測試版本 GUI 遷移過來) 無法設置據點上限、REST API (無法顯上在線玩家) 、據點帕魯上限的問題 (palworldsettings.ini 格式有誤)
  • 新增關閉伺服器按鈕。
  • 若使用關閉伺服器按鈕關閉伺服器,關閉伺服器前保證存檔一次。
  • 解決效能監控面板啟用按鈕無效問題,能正常使用效能監控面板。
  • 第一次安裝時,讀取使用者系統環境,設定預設語言。
  • 玩家面板加上複製使用者 ID 以及隱藏 IP 地址功能。

(開發工具耗時耗力, 如果您願意支持工具的開發可以考慮抖內贊助 :):點我!):

Version 1.0.4 Update

Added save protection & removed many annoying features. My assistant and I spent three days tirelessly translating and categorizing Sakurajima items QAQ.

For the safety of your save files, it is recommended to upgrade to this more stable version compared to 1.0.3.

New Content

  • Added Sakurajima updates for items and Pals :D.
  • Adjusted the order of items and Pals panels to match the website.
  • Added Simplified Chinese for items and Pals.
  • Removed the system installation (steamcmd download) that ran every time the application was opened, now it only downloads during game version updates.
  • Fixed issues where some players (mostly those migrating from the test version GUI) couldn't set base limits, REST API (couldn't display online players), or Puru base limits due to incorrect format in palworldsettings.ini.
  • Added a server shutdown button.
  • Ensured a save occurs before shutting down the server when using the server shutdown button.
  • Fixed the issue where the performance monitoring panel activation button was ineffective, making the performance monitoring panel usable.
  • During the first installation, it reads the user's system environment and sets the default language.
  • Added the ability to copy user ID and hide IP address on the player panel.

(Development tools are time-consuming and labor-intensive. If you are willing to support the development of these tools, please consider donating :) : Click here!).


28 Jun 05:41
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1.0.3 更新:


  • 更新 Palguard 版本到 v869。
  • 伺服器若在執行中,禁用部分選項。
  • 模組管理顯示及匯出時,刪除部分伺服端限定檔案。
  • 更新線上地圖 (加上櫻花島)。
  • 玩家列表玩家頭像改成比較可愛帕魯XD。
  • 增加世界設定選項 (公會據點上限、存檔時間、公會據點帕魯上限、隱藏其他公會區域)。
  • 系統安裝加上進度提示。
  • 設定頁面 UI 調整。

Version 1.0.3 Update:

New Content

  • Updated Palguard version to v869.
  • Disabled certain options if the server is running.
  • Removed certain server-specific files when displaying and exporting module management.
  • Updated the online map (added Sakura Island).
  • Changed player avatars in the player list to a cuter version of Palu XD.
  • Added world setting options (guild base limit, save time, guild base Palu limit, hide other guild areas).
  • Added progress prompts to system installation.
  • Adjusted UI on the settings page.


27 Jun 06:13
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1.0.2 小修正


  • 給伺服器更新按鈕加上 loading 標示。


  • 在伺服器執行階段隱藏伺服器、palguard、ue4ss 更新按鈕。

Minor Patch 1.0.2

New Content

  • Added a loading indicator to the server update button.

Bug Fixes

  • Hid the server, Palguard, and UE4SS update buttons during server runtime.


27 Jun 04:58
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修復帕魯 0.3 更新後伺服器與 Palguard 出現不兼容等問題 (強烈建議升級,否則將無法使用 Palguard 提供的功能。)


  • 更新 Palguard 版本到 v860 版本 (否則無法進入伺服器)。
  • 修正翻譯錯誤。
  • 將獨立進程預設改為開啟 (可到設定關閉他)。
  • 對部分程式碼加上錯誤處理,解決部分玩家無法啟動或建立伺服器。

Fixing Compatibility Issues between Server and Palguard After Patch 0.3 Update (Strongly Recommended to Upgrade, Otherwise Palguard Features Will Not Function Properly).

Bug Fixes

  • Update Palguard to version v860 (Required for server access).
  • Corrected translation errors.
  • Changed default setting to enable independent processes (can be disabled in settings).
  • Add error handling to certain parts of the code to resolve issues where some players are unable to start or create servers.


25 Jun 11:40
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💥1.0.0 正式版本開放給大家使用!💥

很抱歉這次更新間隔較長,在總和考量下決定將整個系統重頭寫,並確保工具穩定無問題再釋出給大家用。希望這次的更新能為大家帶來更好的使用體驗以及便利性!本次更新和之前的版本不兼容,有許多根本上的大改動及修正,下面將一一列出。將舊版 GUI 伺服器遷移到新版請參考 遷移指南

這次的更新更之前最大的差異在於,新版本 GUI 伺服器之間在遊戲存檔、設定、模組之間是獨立的,表示每個伺服器實例都是獨立的環境 (類似 Minecraft 的 Multimc),更方便玩家去管理與測試伺服器,也一並將多開功能做出來了。除此之外還做了一系列像線上地圖、自動重啟、定期清備份等功能 (被太多人要求 QQ)。

如果您在使用上有遇到意外崩潰、伺服器無法啟動等問題,請參考 GUI 文檔 的常見問題或加入我們的 Discord 詢問。


  • 支援同時啟動多個伺服器 (多開)。
  • 不同於測試版本,正式版本建立的每個伺服器都是一個獨立環境 (簡稱實例),彼此間設定檔、模組、存檔都是獨立的 (舊版本僅有存檔)。
  • 正式版本下載體積約為 200 mb (相比於之前 3 GB 大幅減低)。
  • 新版本預設將隱藏小黑窗。
  • 新版本使用官方原生備份系統 (約在 4 月加入),並自動刪除不必要的備份紀錄 (刪除太久遠, 重複性過高的存檔等)。
  • 新增伺服器複製功能 (方便測試玩法, 測試模組等)。
  • 新增伺服器自訂義變更圖示功能。
  • 新增一鍵最佳化按鈕,可以突破 120 FPS, 網路限制等。
  • 新增伺服器日誌頁面 (需開啟 palguard) 及歷史日誌按鈕。
  • 全新改版的玩家列表,看起來更加舒適且方便使用。
  • 全面採用 REST API 取代 RCON,能看到更豐富的資訊 (如伺服器延遲度) 並提高穩定性。
  • 現在廣播功能能廣播中文了!
  • 新增獨立的效能監測面板,能查看伺服器 / 整台電腦的 CPU 使用率, RAM, 伺服器延遲和啟動時間等。
  • 新增 LogicMods 模組管理頁面。
  • 新增線上地圖,能實時看到伺服器玩家等級和位置,並提供網頁版及 GUI 版本使用。
  • 加上 Palguard 及 UE4SS 更新按鈕。
  • UI 全新改版,畫面更直覺且方便使用。
  • 實裝伺服器自動重啟功能。
  • 實作 GUI 子進程及獨立進程兩種伺服器版本,讓服主能在功能性及穩定性上做取捨 (內部測試時某些人使用子進程會頻繁發生閃退情況)。
  • 能指定伺服器實例安裝路徑。
  • GUI 更新時不再需要遷移存檔。
  • 做了一個官方的 GUI 文檔 (還未完成),可以從上方查看常見問題及使用方法:點我
  • 從正式版本開始,之後不用再使用補丁更新了!
  • 還有更多,但更重要的是,希望使用愉快,並玩得開心!


  • 給予道具、帕魯、經驗值功能恢復正常。
  • 修正翻譯上部分錯誤問題。


  • 移除模組重新命名功能 (好像沒什麼用, 如果需要下個版本再加回來)。
  • 移除西班牙文和日文 (如果有西班牙及日文用戶我很抱歉, 新版本我沒時間翻譯完, 之後會再加上)。

💥 Version 1.0.0 is officially released! 💥

We apologize for the long update interval. After careful consideration, we decided to rewrite the entire system from scratch to ensure stability and reliability before releasing it to everyone. We hope this update will bring you a better user experience and greater convenience! This update is not compatible with previous versions as there are many fundamental changes and fixes. Below is a detailed list of these changes. For migrating your old GUI server to the new version, please refer to the Migration Guide.

If you encounter unexpected crashes, server startup issues, or other problems while using the software, please refer to the GUI Documentation FAQ or join our Discord for assistance.

New Features

  • Support for running multiple servers simultaneously (multi-instance).
  • Unlike the beta version, each server created in the official version is an independent environment (referred to as an instance) with separate configuration files, modules, and saves (previously only saves were independent).
  • The official version's download size is approximately 200 MB (significantly reduced from the previous 3 GB).
  • The new version will hide the console window by default.
  • The new version uses the official native backup system (added around April) and automatically deletes unnecessary backup records (such as very old or highly redundant saves).
  • Added a server cloning feature (useful for testing gameplay, modules, etc.).
  • Added a custom icon change feature for servers.
  • Added a one-click optimization button to break through 120 FPS and network limits.
  • Added a server log page (requires Palguard) and a history log button.
  • Completely revamped player list, making it more comfortable and user-friendly.
  • Fully adopted REST API to replace RCON, providing richer information (such as server latency) and improved stability.
  • The broadcast feature now supports broadcasting in Chinese!
  • Added an independent performance monitoring panel to view server/entire computer CPU usage, RAM, server latency, startup time, etc.
  • Added a LogicMods module management page.
  • Added an online map to see server player levels and locations in real-time, available in both web and GUI versions.
  • Added Palguard and UE4SS update buttons.
  • Completely redesigned UI, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Implemented an automatic server restart feature.
  • Implemented two server versions: GUI subprocess and independent process, allowing server owners to choose between functionality and stability (internal testing showed some users experienced frequent crashes with subprocess).
  • Ability to specify the installation path for server instances.
  • No need to migrate saves when updating the GUI.
  • Created an official GUI documentation (still in progress), where you can find FAQs and usage instructions: Click here
  • Starting from the official version, patch updates will no longer be necessary!
  • And more, but most importantly, enjoy using it and have fun playing!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with the functions to give items, Palu, and experience points.
  • Corrected some translation errors.

Features Removed

  • Removed the module renaming feature (seemed unnecessary, will be added back if needed in the next version).
  • Removed Spanish and Japanese translations (apologies to Spanish and Japanese users, I didn’t have time to complete the translations in the new version, will add them back later).

(Translate by ChatGPT)


12 Mar 13:21
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⚠️ 請注意, 0.2.0-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z 為完整版下載, patch-0.2.0-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z 為更新補丁, 千萬不能搞錯了!

Google 雲端硬碟載點 (比較快但沒幫法幫我記錄到下載次數 QQ, 如果方便的話也請幫我點最下方的下載包當作紀錄)


  • 支援 Palguard (提供更多的伺服器指令及日誌紀錄的一套工具) !
    • 紀錄玩家在遊戲中的上下線、聊天訊息及其他狀態
    • 基於 IP 位址的封鎖系統、白名單機制等防作弊功能
    • 為管理員添加更多指令,例如給予道具、帕魯、經驗值等等
    • 支援完整的 GUI,指令操作只需在介面上完成 !
  • 新增插件系統 (維持工具本身的易用性) -> 將 UE4SS 及 Palguard 做為插件呈現,預設為非啟用
  • 指令輸入框支援指令提示
  • 新增西班牙文翻譯 by @andiricum2
  • 完善英文翻譯 by @1476523
  • 完善繁體中文翻譯 by @1476523 & 咖啡
  • 完善簡體中文翻譯 by @1476523 & @Micah-Zheng
  • 完善日文翻譯 by @OlDlUO1996

這次的更新主要是整合 Palguard,花了兩周爆肝才將 5000 多條的翻譯做出來 (感謝團隊的努力) xd 希望能幫助到大家。

⚠️ Please note, 0.2.0-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z is the full version download, while patch-0.2.0-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z is the update patch. Make sure not to confuse them!

Google Drive Download


  • Support Palguard (provides a set of tools for more server commands and logging)!
    • Record players' online/offline status, chat messages, and other statuses in the game.
    • Anti-cheat features such as IP-based blocking system, whitelist mechanism, etc.
    • Add more commands for administrators, such as giving items, Parus, experience points, etc.
    • Full GUI support, command operations can be completed directly on the interface!
  • Introduce a plugin system (maintaining the usability of the tool) -> Present UE4SS and Palguard as plugins, defaulting to disabled.
  • Command input box supports command prompts.
  • Add Spanish translation by @andiricum2.
  • Improve Traditional Chinese translation by @1476523.
  • Improve Traditional Chinese translation by @1476523 & Coffee.
  • Improve Simplified Chinese translation by @1476523 & @Micah-Zheng.
  • Improve Japanese translation by @OlDlUO1996.


01 Mar 03:16
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⚠️ 請注意, 0.1.2-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z 為完整版下載, patch-0.1.2-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z 為更新補丁, 千萬不能搞錯了!


  • 解決 011 版本建立新伺服器時會將舊的伺服器地圖跟玩家資料繼承過去的意外情況。
  • 解決公開到社群的。

⚠️ Please note, 0.1.2-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z is the full version download, while patch-0.1.2-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z is the update patch. Make sure not to confuse them!


  • Resolve the unexpected scenario where the old server map and player data would be inherited when setting up a new server on version 011.
  • Addressed for public dissemination to the community.


28 Feb 21:03
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⚠️ 請注意, 0.1.1-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z 為完整版下載, patch-0.1.1-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z 為更新補丁, 千萬不能搞錯了!


  • 支援據點 20 隻帕魯, 孵蛋時間 0 等原先失效的選項 (WorldOptions.sav 自動同步轉換)
  • 自動備份可設置時間 (一小時、三小時、十二小時 & 一天)
  • 模組可在 GUI 重新命名及刪除
  • 重新設計修改世界設定頁面的布局, 更人性化的操作
  • 支援伺服器公開到社群選單


  • 伺服器管理面板恢復顯示
  • 修改世界設定編輯原始檔檔案錯誤
  • 修改伺服器遷移流程


  • 支援多執行緒並提高伺服器效能

⚠️ Please note, 0.1.1-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z is the full version download, while patch-0.1.1-parlserver-GUI-win32-x64.7z is the update patch. Make sure not to confuse them!


  • Support for previously defunct options such as 20 Palu bases and a hatching time of 0 (automatically converted during WorldOptions.sav sync).
  • Automatic backup with customizable intervals (one hour, three hours, twelve hours, & one day).
  • Modules can be renamed and deleted in the GUI.
  • Redesigned layout for modifying world settings page for more user-friendly operations.
  • Servers can now be publicly listed in the community menu.


  • Server management panel visibility restored.
  • Fixed file error when editing world settings in the raw file.
  • Modified server migration process.


  • Multi-threading support implemented to enhance server performance.