Releases: DamonGreenhalgh/xivtracker
Releases · DamonGreenhalgh/xivtracker
XIV Tracker 1.3.1
Optimization updates and support for Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.4 'The Dark Throne'.
- Added support for Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.4 'The Dark Throne' content
- Added descriptions to how quests/duties are marked for completion.
- Added response text for edge cases during searches.
- Changed character page layout.
- Updated current patch and event banners to featured.
- Updated help and settings pages to reflect the current app state.
- Changed various styles across the app.
- Fixed overlay issues with tooltips and tab buttons.
- Fixed crashes due to achievement requests.
- Fix loading component not visible while searching for characters.
- Removed reference system, this system added a significant amount of bloat to the app and would cause many edge case issues.
XIV Tracker 1.3.0
[1.3.0] - 2023-04-24
Compare system, updated character page layout and support for Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.2 'Buried Memory' and patch 6.3 'Gods Revel Lands Tremble'.
- Added compare side panel to allow users to compare their characters with other players. Currently supports comparing attributes, jobs and equipment.
- Added collection type to collection tool tips.
- Added notice for when error events occur.
- Added more detailed materia information on item tool tips.
- Added search bar to achievements and collections.
- Added friends and free company panels.
- Added an easy to use reference button on character pages.
- Added average item level indicator to character banner.
- Added support for Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.2 'Buried Memory' and patch 6.3 'Gods Revel Lands Tremble' .
- Changed search bar to dynamically search for characters as soon as the user has interacted with the component.
- Changed server selection for better ease of use.
- Overhauled character page layout.
- Changed loading image.
- Changed completion representation to give more detailed information.
- Updated light theme.
XIV Tracker 1.2.2
[1.2.2] - 2022-06-26
This update focuses on polishing up existing features and fixing bugs.
- Added help section for finding the Lodestone ID of a character.
- Added the ability to remove the current reference character.
- Added default profile icon when no reference character has been allocated.
- Changed directory structure.
- Changed multiple component styles.
- Changed the description of the reference character system for improved clarity.
- Updated most components to use prop destructuring for better readability.
- Updated
text ofimg
tags to be more descriptive. - Updated light theme.
- Fixed title not changing to XIV Tracker |
<Character Name>
when viewing character profile. - Fixed Newfound Adventure quest component displaying incorrect tooltip.
- Fixed app crashing when viewing a character with unknown collection status.
XIV Tracker v1.2.1
[1.2.1] - 2022-05-08
Moved from Github Pages to AWS Amplify as pages has problems with single page web applications. Maintainability update.
- Added Help page.
- Added links to profession jobs.
- Added
custom hook, replaces theuseEffect
nested async function pattern. - Added media queries for multiple components to improve responsiveness.
- Changed most links to now open in a new tab.
- Only valid events are displayed given the date.
- Quests system refactor. Improved maintainability and reduced overhead.
- Fixed quests not appearing when reference character data was not updating.
- Fixed 404 error when using the search-bar from a character page.
- Fixed open in new tab resulting in a 404 error.
XIV Tracker v1.2.0
This release contains various new features and support for Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.1 'Newfound Adventure'.
- Added Reference feature. Users can select a character to reference. The following features can be applied with a valid reference character.
- Safe Mode - hide activities that the reference character has not yet completed.
- Background Parody - automatically select the appropriate background based on the reference character's progress in the story.
- Added Achievements feature. Displays all achievements acquired by a character.
- Added Completion metric to mounts, minions, job and achievements.
- Added multiple Splash Art backgrounds to customize the appearance of the app.
- Reintroduced Profile feature.
- Added OCE servers to server list.
- Added content support for Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.1 'Newfound Adventure'. New entries have been added to the Quests section.
- Added content support for current live events.
- Changed Tool-tips to now display item level, main stats and bonuses.
- Changed Profile Display to now include currently active job, experience and level.
- Changed Jobs to show current/max experience points.
- Changed Page Layout. Instead of a single page, content is contained within panels.
- Changed Featured to now display time relevant content (duration/release date)
- Fixed completion bars being full when at 0% completion.
- Fixed page not loading to a new character when selected from the recent panel while on the character page.
- Fixed job level text not displaying the correct color when at max level.
- Fixed splash element extending beyond the page.
XIV Tracker v1.1.0
[1.1.0] - 2022-03-29
- Themes, with support for more themes in the future.
- Light Theme (new default)
- Settings page, currently only has the option to change theme.
- Glamour icon indicator on items with a glamour plate applied.
- Added splash image on homepage, random selection.
- Added Featured slideshow on homepage.
- Added Recent panel below search bar. Displays the 6 last characters viewed on the browser.
- Use of
to remember themes, and recent characters over sessions. - Support for Mobile view.
- Replaced many icon assets with icons from the
library. - Updated navbar, no longer displays avatar of current character.
- Replaced default
html tag with custom class. - Introduction of utility classes. Overhaul on many CSS classes.
- Updated quests section.
- Many assets now rendered obsolete with the use of
library. - Obsolete CSS classes.
XIV Tracker 1.0.0
Initial release of XIV Tracker. Features include,
- Character Display
- Attributes
- Collection (Mounts and Minions)
- Jobs
- Quests and Encounter Completion
- Free Company