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Our project for first semester deals with energy awareness, and turning consumers into prosumers. Outlined below is the setup of tools used to collaborate on the project.

Preparation tutorial for developers

On a system with the below installed dependencies, simply type make in the WSL terminal/bash window to create the file energyApp, or type make exe to generate a windows executable (not currently working).

WSL 2 setup

First enable and install WSL following the guide here. Then install gcc, make, Git, cURL & Libcurl using the following commands:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt-get install manpages-dev
sudo apt install curl
sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt install libjson-c-dev
sudo apt-get install mingw-w64

Optional installations that may be worth installing:

sudo apt-get install doxygen
sudo apt install cmake

Practical Ubuntu commands to know

Command Description
mkdir <directory> Creates a folder called <directory>.
touch <filename> Creates and empty file called <filename>. Also used to update the timestamp of <filename>.
cd <directory> Change directory to <directory>. Sends you home if not directory is chosen.
ls -al Show you all the files (hidden files too) in the working directory line-by-line.
code . Opens Visual Studio Code editor inside the folder you are in.
explorer.exe . Opens the current directory in Windows explorer at the linux folder.
./<filename> Runs the file <filename>.

Connecting to Git with SSH

To give ourselves an easier time, we're going to use SSH (whatever that means) with git. To set it up, follow the guide here and here.

Using Git in the terminal

Here is a list of important Git commands in the Ubuntu terminal, as well as a short description.

Command Description
git clone <repo> Clones <repo> onto your local machine. <repo> is a SSH link from GitHub.
git status Displays the current working tree status.
git pull Update your local data to match online repository. Depends on current branch.
git add . After making a change or adding a file locally, this prepares all changes to be comitted.
git commit -m "<message>" Write a telling <message> about your change, and records the changes to be pushed.
git push Pushes your comitted changes to the branch you are working in.
git checkout <branch> Changes to the specified <branch>.
git checkout -b <branch> Creates a new local branch with <branch> name.
git push --set-upstream origin <branch> Creates your local branch in the online repo, and pushes to it.
git branch Displays the branch you are working in, as well as other available branches in the project.

GitHub flow

An explanation of an approriate flow for us to get the most out of GitHub.

TODO! Integrate with Jira. How?

TODO! Further describe the setup of WSL.

TODO! Further describe working with git and its flow.


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