The article tries to address the main issues that are involved when you try to migrate your disk-based database to In-Memory technology. Converting a SQLServer Database to InMemory OLTP
The largest database I ported to In-Memory OLTP by using this tool, was 15 GB in size and contains 1200 tables, 2200 indexes, and 2600 relations. The largest table was 4 GB in size.
- // private Inputs i = null; the class that holds all inputs ( e.g. server name, type of authentication etc. )
- var cnn = new ServerConnection(i.serverName);
- cnn.Connect();
- var server = new Server(cnn);
- // The disk based database
- var db = server.Databases[i.databaseName];
- // Connect to the In-Memory Database
- var cnnInMem = new ServerConnection(i.serverName);
- cnnInMem.Connect();
- var serverInMem = new Server(cnnInMem);
- var dbInMemory = serverInMem.Databases[i.inMemoryDataBaseName];
- // new features available starting with SQL Server 2017
- var enumFeatures = SQLServerMoFeatures.SQLServer2016;
- if (new Version(server.VersionString) >= new Version(C_NEW_FEATURES_VERSION))
- enumFeatures = SQLServerMoFeatures.SQLServer2017;
- // Switch to In-Memory
- success = db.SwichToMo(
- dbInMemory, // In-Memory database
- (ILog)this, // logger
- cnf, // configuration class
- o, // options
- enumFeatures);