Programming MongoDB v4.0.9 by using .NET driver v2.7 & .NET framework 4.8.
Aggregation operations group values from multiple documents together and can perform a variety of operations on the grouped data to return a single result. MongoDB provides three ways to perform aggregation: • the aggregation pipeline, • the single purpose aggregation methods, • the map-reduce function
Class Name | Description |
AggregationSales | Shows how to performs basic aggregation by using LINQ, IAggregateFluent and more... |
AggregationUnwind | Shows verious aggregation on embedded documents by applying Unwind operator. |
SampleLookup | Shows how to combine two collections by applying Lookup operator. |
SampleUnwind | Shows how to use Unwind operator. |
Class Name | Description |
Auth | Shows how to conect to MongoDB |
Class Name | Description |
SampleConfig | Unlike ADO.NET, MongoDB client is a cheap resource. |
Class Name | Description |
CrudDemo | Shows how to performs basics CRUD operation. |
Class Name | Description |
Explain | Shows how to get the query plan from the code. |
FilterDetails | Shows how to query for a documement nested in an array |
FilterForNullOrMissingFields | Shows how to query for Null or Missing Fields |
FilterHeader | Shows various way to query MongoDB documents. |
FilterNestedDocuments | Shows how to query nested documents. |
FindWithCursor | Shows how to use cursors |
Class Name | Description |
CreateJsonProducts | Shows how to create JSON file that holds information about products. |
CreateJsonSales | Shows how to create JSON file that holds information about sales. |
CreateJsonSpetialOffer | Shows how to create JSON file that holds information about spetial offers. |
Class Name | Description |
AttributeDescoration | Shows how to use attributes in order to customize serialization process. |
ClassMap | Shows how to use ClassMap. |
ClassMapAutoMap | Shows how to use ClassMap with AutoMap feature. |
TestConventionPack | Shows how to use Convention Pack. |
TestTypes | Shows various option within serialization. |