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[ECCV 24 wksp] Pose-independent 3D Anthropometry from Sparse Data

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Pose-independent 3D anthropometry

This Github presents the code for the following paper: "Pose-independent 3D Anthropometry from Sparse Data" presented at ECCV 2024 workshop "T-CAP 2024 Towards a Complete Analysis of People".

TL;DR : Estimate 11 body measurements from 70 body landmarks of a posed subject.

πŸ”¨ Getting started

You can use 🐳 docker to facilitate running the code. After cloning the repo, run in terminal:

cd docker

by adjusting the CODE_PATH to the cloned pose-independent-anthropometry directory and DATA_PATH to the data directory you want to access in the docker container. This creates a pose-independent-anthropometry-container which you can attach to by running:

docker exec -it pose-independent-anthropometry-container /bin/bash

🚧 If you do not want to use docker, you can install the docker/requirements.txt into your own environment. 🚧


  • the SMPL body model from here and put the SMPL_{SEX}.pkl (MALE, FEMALE and NEUTRAL) models into the data/body_models/smpl folder
  • the smpl_train_poses.npz and smpl_val_poses.npz from here and put them in the folder data/poses
  • the gmm_08.pkl file from here and put it in the data/prior folder.

Finally, initialize the smpl-anthropometry submodule by running:

git submodule update --init --recursive

πŸ’» Datasets

The datasets used in the paper are either based on CAESAR, DYNA or 4DHumanOutfit:

  • The CAESAR dataset is available commercially here
  • The DYNA dataset is available freely here
  • The 4DHumanOutfit dataset is available freely upon request here or by contacting the authors David BojaniΔ‡ or Stefanie Wuhrer

Once you obtain all of the datasets, we provide scripts to create all of the dataset versions used in the paper.

CAESAR dataset preprocessing

The dataset structure assumed is the following:

{path/to/CAESAR}/Data AE2000/{country}/PLY and LND {country}/

which contains scans in .ply.gz format and landmarks in .lnd format, and country can be any of the following: Italy, North America or The Netherlands.

You also need the SMPL fittings to the scans (both the parameter fittings and the vertex fittings) in format

To create the fittings in this format you use the SMPL-Fitting repository and run:

python onto_dataset --dataset_name CAESAR

python onto_dataset --dataset_name CAESAR --start_from_previous_results <path-to-previously-fitted-bm-results>

where <path-to-previously-fitted-bm-results> is the path to the fitted SMPL body model from the first line of code.

Finally, adjust the following paths in configs/config_real.yaml:

  • caesar_dir: path to the CAESAR dataset
  • fitted_bm_dir: path to the fitted parameters to the CAESAR dataset obtained from the SMPL-Fitting repository
  • fitted_nrd_dir: path to the fitted vertices to the CAESAR dataset obtained from the SMPL-Fitting repository

Training data

To create the training dataset, first complete the steps from CAESAR preprocessing. Then, you need to create the poses used for training by running:

python cluster_dataset 
cd scripts
python --fitted_bm_dir <path/to/fitted/SMPL/to/CAESAR> 

where fitted_bm_dir is the path to the fitted SMPL body model to the CAESAR scans (see CAESAR preprocessing)

Finally, you can create the training data using:

cd scripts

python --save_to <path/to/save/the/dataset/to>

where save_to is the path where you want to save the created dataset to.

Validation data

To create the validation dataset, first complete the steps from CAESAR preprocessing. Then, you can run:

cd scripts

python --save_to <path/to/save/the/dataset/to>

where save_to is the path where you want to save the created dataset to.

Testing data

🧍🏽 CAESAR A-pose (Tables 1 & 2 left part)

To create the dataset, first complete the steps from CAESAR preprocessing. Then, you can run:

cd scripts

python --save_to <path/to/save/the/dataset/to>

where save_to is the path where you want to save the created dataset to.

🧍🏽 CAESAR A-pose with noisy landmarks (Tables 1 & 2 right part)

To create the dataset, first complete the steps from CAESAR preprocessing. Since the noise is added randomly, we provide the vector displacements from the original landmarks in data/processed_datasets/dataset_test_unposed_noisy_displacements. To obtain the noisy landmarks you need to add the displacements to the original landmarks provided in the CAESAR dataset as:

ceasar_noisy_landmarks = caesar_landmarks + displacement_vector

If you, however, want to create your own noisy dataset, you can run:

cd scripts

python --save_to <path/to/save/the/dataset/to>

where save_to is the path where you want to save the created dataset to.

πŸͺ‘ CAESAR sitting B-pose (Table 3)

Because the sitting B-pose in CAESAR does not have all of the landmarks necessary to run our method, we transfer the missing landmarks using the fitted SMPL body model. To transfer the landmarks, run:

cd annotate

python --caesar_path <path/to/CAESAR> --fitting_path <path/to/fitted/SMPL/to/scans> --save_to <path/to/save/the/landmarks/to> 

cd ..

Then, you can create the dataset with:

cd scripts

python --save_to <path/to/save/the/dataset/to> --transferred_landmark_path <path/to/transferred/landmarks>

where save_to is the path where you want to save the created dataset to and transferred_landmark_path is the path where you saved the transferred landmarks from the code above.

πŸ’ƒ CAESAR arbitrary pose (Table 4)

To create the dataset, first complete the steps from CAESAR preprocessing. Then, you can run:

cd scripts

python --save_to <path/to/save/the/dataset/to>

where save_to is the path where you want to save the created dataset to.

πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ DYNA dynamic sequence (Table 5)

Download the dataset from here (you will need to sign up). You only need the dyna_male.h5 and dyna_female.h5 files.

πŸ•Ί 4DHumanOutfit clothed sequences (Table 6)

The dataset structure assumed is the following:


After you get the dataset, you can use:

cd scripts
bash <path/to/4DHumanOutfit> <unzip/destination/path>

to unzip the dataset, where <unzip/destination/path> is the folder where you want to unzip it.

The following subjects are used:


in tight clothing, performing the following actions:


The scans provided by 4DHumanOutfit are the ones with resolution OBJ_4DCVT_15k.

The dataset also comes with the fitted SMPL parameters (upon request) using the approach from [3], in the same format as the provided scans:


where {parameter} is any of the follwing:, and

Finally, you can obtain the landmarks by running:

cd annotate

python --scan_paths <path/to/4DHumanOutfit> --fit_paths <path/to/fittings> --transfer_method simple


  • scan_paths is the path to the downloaded and unzipped dataset

  • fit_paths is the path to the SMPL parameters

  • transfer_method is the way of obtaning the landmarks and can be one of the following:

    • simple where the transferred landmarks correspond to the actual SMPL landmarks
    • nn where the transferred landmarks correspond to the nearest neighbor of each fitted SMPL landmark and the scan
    • nn_threshold where the transferred landmark is the nearest neighbor of the fitted SMPL landmark to the scan if the distance is below the nn_threshold (defined below), else it is the actual SMPL landmark
  • nn_threshold is the nearest neighbor threshold in meters for the nn_threshold transfer method

The landmarks will be saved in the same folder as the parameters fit_paths and the transfer_method used in the paper is the simple one.

πŸ‹οΈ Training

To train our model you can run:


To visualize the loss curves during training run in a seperate terminal:

visdom -p <port>

and navigate in your browser to http://localhost:<port>/. If you do not see any curves, make sure you choose the lm2meas environment in the dropdown menu and make sure the port you choose is the same one as in configs/config_real.yaml under visualization/port.

The training parameters are set in configs/config_real.yaml. To train the same model as in our paper, you can leave all the parameters as they are except potentially fixing the paths defined throught the configuration file. We briefly explain all the parameters for easier reference:

general parameters:

  • continue_experiment: (str) name of the experiment in format "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S" from the results folder you wish to continue running
  • experiment_name: (str) name your experiment for easier reference

visualization parameters:

  • display: (bool) visualize loss curves with visdom or not
  • port: (int) the loss curves will be visualized on http://localhost:<port>/
  • env: (str) visdom environment of the experiment

learning parameters:

  • model_name: (str) name of the model to train, defined in
  • dataset_name: (str) name of the dataset to use defined in - actual data used is defined in dataset_configs below
  • save_model: (bool) save trained model or not
  • what_to_return: (list) list of variables the dataset will return to the training script (depends on the dataset used)
  • transform_landmarks: (list) of feature transformers defined in feature_transformers below - they transform the input data for the model
  • landmark_normalization: (str) of how to normalize the landmarks (only pelvis is acceptable)
  • batch_size: (int) model batch size
  • n_workers: (int) number of pytorch workers to load the batches
  • nepoch: (int) number of training epochs to run
  • init_lr: (float) initial value of the learning rate
  • lrate_update_func: (str) learning rate scheduler defined in learning_rate_schedulers below
  • measurements: (list) of measurements to train the model on
  • landmarks: (dict) of landmarks defined on the SMPL body model (dict keys are used)
  • seed: (int) training random seed
  • weight_init_option: (str) initialization of the model weights defined in weight_init_options below

paths parameters:

  • save_path_root: (str) where to save the training results
  • caesar_dir: (str) path to the CAESAR dataset
  • fitted_bm_dir: (str) path to the SMPL fitted body models (see CAESAR preprocessing)
  • fitted_nrd_dir: (str) path to the SMPL fitted vertices (see CAESAR preprocessing)
  • body_models_path: (str) path to the SMPL body models (see Getting started)
  • pose_prior_path: (str) path to the pose prior from [2]
  • preprocessed_path: (str) path to the preprocessed files used to unpose and repose the CAESAR scans in the OnTheFlyCAESAR dataset
  • moyo_poses_path: (str) path to the MOYO dataset
  • caesar_gender_mapper: (str) path to the CAESAR gender mapper file which maps a subject name to their provided sex

model_configs parameters:

  • SimpleMLP: setup the layer dimensions for the SimpleMLP model

dataset_configs parameters:

  • NPZDataset: setup the train and validation paths for the datasets you created in πŸ’» Datasets

feature_transformers parameters:

  • coords: returns the input landmarks and ravels into a single dimension vector if required
  • distances_all: returns the distances between all the input landmarks
  • distances_grouped: returns the distances between the desired landmarks defined in the path grouping_inds_path

learning_rate_schedulers parameters:

  • ConstantLR: keeps a constant learning rate defined in init_lr

weight_init_options parameters:

  • output_layer_bias_to_mean_measurement: initialize the output layer of the SimpleMLP to the mean training set measurements

Note that many of the parameters are not necessary to successfully train the model.

πŸ’― Evaluation

You can use to reproduce the results from the paper. We provide our trained model in results/2024_07_11_09_42_48.

The dataset_path input variable to the script should correspond to the paths of the datasets you created in πŸ’» Datasets. If you used our default paths, then you can omit it in the following calls.

🧍🏽 CAESAR A-pose (Tables 1 & 2 left part)

python CAESAR_STAND -R results/2024_07_11_09_42_48 --dataset_path <path/to/dataset>

🧍🏽 CAESAR A-pose with noisy landmarks (Tables 1 & 2 right part)

python CAESAR_NOISY -R results/2024_07_11_09_42_48 --pelvis_normalization --dataset_path <path/to/dataset>

πŸͺ‘ CAESAR sitting B-pose (Table 3)

python CAESAR_SIT_TRANS_BM -R results/2024_07_11_09_42_48 --dataset_path <path/to/dataset>

πŸ’ƒ CAESAR arbitrary pose (Table 4)

python CAESAR_POSED -R results/2024_07_11_09_42_48 --dataset_path <path/to/dataset>

πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ DYNA dynamic sequence (Table 5)

python DYNA_POSED -R results/2024_07_11_09_42_48 --dataset_path <path/to/dataset> --pelvis_normalization

πŸ•Ί 4DHumanOutfit clothed sequences (Table 6)

python 4DHumanOutfit -R results/2024_07_11_09_42_48 --pelvis_normalization --parameters_path <path/to/params>

where parameters_path is the path to the SMPL parameters fitted to the scans along with the obtained landmarks from πŸ’» Datasets.

0️⃣ Baseline models

In order to evaluate the baseline models described in the paper on a given dataset, first you need to fit the SMPL body model onto the provided landmarks by running:

cd scripts
python --dataset_path <path/to/dataset>

after which you can evaluate it with:

python --dataset_path <path/to/evaluation/dataset>

1️⃣ Running [4]

To run the method from [4], you can clone their repository Landmarks2Anthropometry and switch to the eccv24 branch where the authors provide the scripts to run their method on the datasets from the paper. The datasets are set with the variable dataset_path and correspond to the ones created in πŸ’» Datasets.

To evaluate on the CAESAR A-pose, run:

python --dataset_path <path/to/CAESAR/Apose/dataset>

To evaluate on the CAESAR A-pose with noisy landmarks, run:

python --dataset_path <path/to/CAESAR/Apose/noisy/dataset>

To evaluate on the CAESAR sitting B-pose, run:

python --dataset_path <path/to/CAESAR/Bpose/dataset>

To evaluate on the CAESAR arbitrary pose, run:

python --dataset_path <path/to/CAESAR/posed/dataset>

πŸ“ Notes


The subjects we use for training, validation and testing are the same ones as used in [1], excluding the ones that have missing landmarks or measurements. See paper for more details.

Latex tables

We provide the latex tables from the paper so you can easily compare with our model:

  • Table 1 is provided in latex_tables/caesar-standing-male-results.tex
  • Table 2 is provided in latex_tables/caesar-standing-female-results.tex
  • Table 3 is provided in latex_tables/caesar-sit-results.tex
  • Table 4 is provided in latex_tables/caesar-posed-results.tex
  • Table 5 is provided in latex_tables/dyna-results.tex
  • Table 6 is provided in latex_tables/four-d-human-outfit-results.tex

Find pose invariant features

We already provide the pose-invariant features in data/landmarks2features/lm2features_distances_grouped_from_SMPL_INDEX_LANDAMRKS_REVISED_inds_removed_inds_with_median_dist_bigger_than_one.npy.

To recreate these features or create others, you can run:

cd scripts
python --caesar_dir <path/to/caesar/dataset>

Landmark-measurement ambiguity

To create Figure 4 from the paper you can run:

cd scripts

which will create a figure named ambiguity_max_landmarks_wrt_measurements.pdf.

πŸ“Š Dataset statistics

To find out the average displacement of each landmark in the Noisy CAESAR dataset run:

python NoisyCaesar

To find out how many and which landmarks are missing in the original CAESAR sitting dataset, run:



Parts of the code are inspired from smplify-x and 3D-CODED. We thank the authors for providing the code.

[1] Tsoli et al.: "Model-based Anthropometry: Predicting Measurements from 3D Human Scans in Multiple Poses"
[2] Pavlakos et al.: "Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body from a Single Image"
[3] Marsot et al.: "Representing motion as a sequence of latent primitives, a flexible approach for human motion modelling"
[4] Bojanić et al.: "Direct 3D Body Measurement Estimation from Sparse Landmarks"