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Hapi.js boilerplate

REST API Boilerplate using Hapi.js v17.


This boilerplate app serves as a starting point for developers who were looking for a platform for their REST API.

The boilerplate contains basic user management using JWT authentication with login, logout, password reset and profile view. 'Forgot password' and 'Email change' implementations send an email with an activation link with a unique token to complete the action.

This boilerplate also provides a Queue system using Bull to manage background jobs, an email service using Nodemailer and a Redis instance to cache data and store queue jobs.

For send emails using nodemailer in the development environment, we recommend that provides a full SMTP configuration. You can also use nodemailer gmail to send emails using your Gmail account.

All the environment variables are managed using 'dotenv'.


  • Hapi - Server side framework
  • Docker - Docker container support
  • Sequelize - Database ORM
  • PostgreSQL - SQL Database
  • Redis - In-memory data structure store
  • Bull - Premium Queue package for handling distributed jobs
  • Lab - Unit test framework
  • Joi - Schema validation
  • JWT - Authentication mechanism for APIs
  • Dotenv - Environment variable emulator
  • Good - Logger mechanism
  • Nodemailer - Packege to send emails
  • Handlebar - HTML templating engine to create email templates

Application Structure

├── src
│ ├── core                         // all important files for the system bootstrap
│ │ └── config                    // general server config
│ │ └── lib                      // helpers and libs configuration (nodemailer, bull queue)
│ │ └── plugins                 // hapi ecosystems and custom plugins
│ │ └── jobs                   // jobs to run into queue service
│ └── bootstrap.js            // load dependencies and execute server
│ └── database.js            // manage database connection 
│ └── server.js             // hapi server config
│ └── queue.js             // queue service start file
│ ├── models              // all sequelize models are defined here
│ ├── modules            // all entities divided by context
│ │   └── entity
│ │       └──test       // entity tests
│ │      │ └──entity.test.js
│ │      └──entity.handler.js  // business logic (controller)
│ │      └──entity.routes.js  // entity routes
│ │      └──entity.schema.js // entity validations
│ ├── test               
│ │  └──_util                   // helpers and data mocks
│ │  └──index.spec.js          // set up test env
├── index.js                  // call bootstrap file and start server
├── logs                     // contains app log file
├── scripts                 // shell scripts
├── .gitignore             // standard git ignore file
├── Dockerfile            // Standard doceker file
├── docker-compose.yml   // Standard docker compose file 
├── .env.example        // dotenv exmaple configuration file for env variable 


We're using JavaScript Standard Style as a code convention guideline.

.env config

To set up environment variables, please copy '.env.example' file to '.env' file at the root location and define the following properties:

NODE_ENV=development                      // Node environment 
PORT=8000                                // Server Port
SERVER_HOST=                     // Hapi Server host
ALLOWED_DOMAINS=http://localhost:8080 // (Cors) Add all allowed domains origins separated by a comma

DATABASE_URL=postgresql://DB_USER:DB_PASS@DB_HOST/DB_NAME // PostgreSQL database url while using docker

MAIL_SENDER_NAME=Company name // smtp service url
MAIL_PORT=  // smtp service port
MAIL_USER=  // smtp service user
MAIL_PASS=  // smtp service password

# Redis

Running the server in Docker Container

Docker and docker compose must be installed on the system.

  1. Enter on project dir
  2. Build containers using
   $ docker-compose build
  1. Run conteiners:
  $ docker-compose up -d // use '-d' for run containers in the background
  1. To stop conteiners use:
  $ docker-compose down


This boilerplate supports unit test cases using 'lab' and 'code' packages, also we use sqlite as test database.

To run all the test cases:

$ npm test




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