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This was the project assignment for the Algorithms & Data Structures course.

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Algorithms & Data Structures Project 2020/2021 (Graph Ranker)

PoliMi (API 052509 Prof. D. Martinenghi)

The codebase.c file contains the final submission which passed all the testcases within the memory and time limits, thus scoring the maximum amount of points (30L).

Problem Statement

Write a Graph Ranker.

The goal of the program is to keep track of the indices of the K best graphs. The graphs are directed and weighted. All of the graphs will have exactly N nodes. Indices of the nodes are from 0 to N - 1 .

A graph is better than another graph if it has a lower score. The score of a graph is the sum of all the least cost paths from the node 0 to any other node. If a node is disconnected from node 0 then the path from 0 to that node is to be considered 0.

The index of a graph is the number of graphs evaluated before it, starting from 0. If more than one graph has the same score, then the one with the lower index is better. The indices of the Top K graphs can be printed in any order.

K, N and all of the weights are in the range [0 , 232 - 1].


One line with 2 integers, N and K.

A series of text commands each on one line:

  • AddGraph
  • TopK

The command AddGraph is followed by N lines each with N integers separated by a comma.


One line for every TopK command, each line with at most K integers separated by a space.

Requirements & Restrictions

  • C language (C11)
  • No library allowed other than the standard C libraries
  • No multithreading
  • Read from stdin and write on stdout
  • Every algorithm, data structure, or function needs to be coded from scratch


The program has 4 main modules : (each one has a dedicated file in the folder src other than being in the main codebase)

  • Fast IO
  • Heap
  • Graph Scoring
  • Program Flow

Fast IO

For input and output, I use gc and pc. These are aliases for _getchar_nolock and _putchar_nolock on Windows, or getchar_unlocked and putchar_unlocked on Linux.

int expect_ui() : ignores and discards everything until it finds the first unsigned integer and returns it. If no unsigned integer is found before the end of the file/input stream, it returns EOF. Internally it uses a custom (faster) version of atoi I made which works only with unsigned integers. The return type is int because of EOF, so this means that if you work on numbers bigger than 231 it won't work properly.

int expect_char() : ignores and discards everything until it finds the first alphabetical character and returns it. If no alphabetical character is found before the end of the file/input stream, it returns EOF.

void print_ui(ui num) : prints num. Internally it uses a custom (faster) version of itoa I made which works only with unsigned integers.


This heap implementation can be initialized as a min-heap, a max-heap, a bounded-min-heap, or a bounded-max-heap. It is specifically implemented to solve this problem. In fact, the elements are indices (node indices for the graph or graph indices for the ranking) with an associated priority (weight for Dijkstra or score for the ranking). In both cases, the indices are unsigned integers and the priorities are unsigned long long integers.

void init_pq(const ui bound, const ui capacity, int (*cmp_fun)(const node *, const node *), priority_queue *pq) :

  • bound : is the maximum number of elements the heap can contain. If you don't want a bounded priority queue just put a big enough number.

  • capacity : is the initial size of the allocated heap. The heap will automatically resize upon need until it reaches bound. If you want a static and already allocated heap, put bound = capacity.

  • cmp_fun : is the function that dictates the order inside the heap. It should return a value greater than 0 if the first node should be higher than the second node, otherwise a value smaller than 0.

    // Examples of cmp_fun
    typedef struct t_node{
        ui   index;
        ulli priority;   
    } node;
    int cmp_fun_min(const node *n1, const node *n2) {
        return (n2->priority - n1->priority);
    int cmp_fun_max(const node *n1, const node *n2) {
        return (n1->priority != n2->priority) ? (n1->priority - n2->priority) : -1;

void destroy_pq(priotity_queue *pq) : frees the memory allocated.

void reset_heap(priotity_queue *pq) : empties the heap.

ui is_empty_pq(priotity_queue *pq) : returns 1 if the heap is empty, 0 otherwise.

ui peek_pq(const priority_queue *pq) : returns the index of the top node if it exists, -1 otherwise.

void push_pq(const ui index, const ui priority, priority_queue *pq) : adds a node to the heap with index and priority. If the size of the heap is equal to bound it rejects the node. (Use this method for unbounded heaps).

void push_bounded_pq(const ui index, const ui priority, priority_queue *bounded_pq) : if there are fewer nodes than bound it adds a node to the heap with index and priority, otherwise if priority is better than the worst priority in the heap it deletes the worst node in the heap and it inserts the new one. (Use this method for bounded heaps).

void pop_pq(priority_queue *pq) : deletes the best node in the heap if it exists. (Use this method for unbounded heaps).

Graph Scoring

I use Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest paths from node 0 to every other node. I use a min-heap as a priority queue. I keep track of the nodes that are currently inside the queue with the array pushed, so I only push a node if it's not already in the queue.

To compute the score I sum every cell in the distance array, except the distances equal to ULLIMAX.

Program Flow

I initialize all the structures in the main, this way I don't spend a lot of time doing malloc. When needed I reset the structures. The program starts by reading N and K. Then it expects a command, if the command starts with an A I save the adjacency matrix, compute the score and push it into the bounded priority queue. If it starts with a T I print the top K. I keep repeating this process until I reach EOF.