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Chat Encoding

David edited this page Dec 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

Author: Davnit / Pyro

Description: Allows sending and receiving encoded messages (not encryption).


  • /encode <encoding> <message>
    • Encodes <message> using the encoding specified by <encoding>.
  • /decode <encoding> <message>
    • Decodes <message> using the encoding specified by <encoding>.
  • /cencode <encoding> <message>
    • Sends the specified <message> using the specified <encoding>.
    • Messages are prefixed by a "standardized" character (compatible with SphtBot)
  • /encodings
    • Lists all of the available encodings.

Currently available encodings:

  • HEX
  • ROT13
  • ROT47
  • BASE64


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