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Profile Photo Upload with React js

Code version

See the Example Profile image

Profile Photo Upload is a React Js component for upload or take photo

Features of react-profile-image

  • upload image
  • take a photo whit the webcam
  • get the Base64 of the image

Getting started

npm i @daym3l/react-profile-image


Need more? See sample/src/index.js

import ProfileImage from "react-profile-image";

export default () => {
	const getImages = (base64Image, fileImage) => {
		// Do something with the selected image)

	return (
			uploadBtnProps={{ variant: "contained", label: "Up" }}


  • styles: React style object for the img tag.(default:{ height: 200, width: 200, backgorundColor: '#fff'),
  • camera: bool if you want take photos,
  • defaultImage: default image for the component,
  • returnImage: (required) Callback function that recieves the image in base64 format as first parameter and file format as second parameter,
  • uploadBtnProps: Object of type ButtonProps of material-ui, and "label" property to change the button text. IMPORTANT: "onClick" event will not work here,
  • cameraBtnProps: Object of type ButtonProps of material-ui, and "label" property to change the button text. IMPORTANT: "onClick" event will not work here,
  • cancelBtnProps: Object of type ButtonProps of material-ui, and "label" property to change the button text. IMPORTANT: "onClick" event will not work here,
  • takeBtnProps: Object of type ButtonProps of material-ui, and "label" property to change the button text. IMPORTANT: "onClick" event will not work here,
  • maxImgSize: Max image size in bytes. (number),
  • sizeErrorMsg: Error message to display when the image size is exceeded,
  • isNotImgErrorMsg: Error message to display when the selected file to upload is not a image,
  • clearPreview: Boolean prop. If it's true the preview is going to have the default image. Default to false.

Build the example locally

git clone
cd react-profile-image
npm install
npm start

Then open localhost:3001 in a browser.
