So basically I have de-obfuscated some games. The only games I have de-obfuscated is Pixel Gun 3D and Standoff 2 (old ver.)
Note: These IL2CPP Android games aren't "fully" deobfuscated.
Pixel Gun 3D(v21.7.0): 5,000+ methods are de-obfuscated.
Standoff 2 (v0.13.x): 511 methods are de-obfuscated.
Again, these games aren't fully deobfuscated. I only managed to deobfuscate some methods and made it viewable with normal names in the csharp.
Pixel Gun 3D was a hard one to actually de-obfuscate. Their Chinese Letters aren't ordinary. They may look normal to you, but it's not. Fully based on these Unicode Systems.