With this role, you can install zimbra 8.8.x with ansible choosen one of the following two ways:
- Default
- Using prompt variable with true value. (e.g. -e prompt=true)
ansible-galaxy install deathice.zimbra_ansible_install_role
git clone https://github.com/Deathice/Zimbra_ansible_install_role.git
- Ansible v. 2.4+.
- Edit the remote group into your inventory host
- RedHat/CentOS 7.x
If you will deploy your own logo, is necessary (more information see the documentation)
- The application_banner has 200px X 35px pixels and type PNG.
- The login_banner has 440px X 60px pixels and type PNG.
Edit the variables into default/main.yml file with:
- srv_hostname: 'fqdn of your machine'
- zim_url: URL for download the zimbra compress file.
- ip_client: Server IP
- ip_dns: DNS Server IP
- token_id: 'Token ID from telegram'
- chatid: 'Chat ID from telegram'
- timezone: Set the timezone to the system (e.g. America/Guatemala)
- logo: Set to true to deploy your own logo
- url_app: If logo is true, you must specify the full URL when is located the application_banner
- url_login: If logo is true, you must specify the full URL when is located the login banner
- url_redirect: If logo is true, you can change the redirect URL when the app or login banner is clicked (optional)
Deploy zimbra from scratch
- name: Execute role(s)
hosts: remote
- Zimbra_ansible_install_role
ansible-playbook site.yml
If you have a personal logo, you can set the following variables
logo: true
url_app: https://my.images.com/images/application_banner.png
url_login: https://my.images.com/images/login_banner.png
If you want to execute only the procedure to deploy your own logo, with the defaults/main.yml variables
ansible-playbook site.yml --tags only_logos
If you want a notification on Telegram when the ansible process is finished, do this:
Change this variables values from your default/main.yml file
- token_id: id token from your telegram chat group
- chatid: chat id from your telegram chat group
Then, execute the playbook adding the tg variable with true value. (e.g. -e tg=true)
- If you dont know how to create a telegram bot, see https://core.telegram.org/bots
- If you don know how to get token_id and chat id, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32683992/find-out-my-own-user-id-for-sending-a-message-with-telegram-api
This role not support backward compatibility.
- Kevyn Perez kevynkl2@gmail.com
- Cellphone Number +(502) 5412-7538
- LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/kevyn-perez-marin-a0b198b7
- Ansible Galaxy https://galaxy.ansible.com/deathice