The exercise is to develop the same contract in Solidity, Yul and Huff, plus some inline assembly. This is a great intro to lower level langs which helps to get a clear undestanding of EVM behaviour especially when it comes down to stack, storage, memory and how they interact via stack syntax.
These are tools which I found very usefull:
- Scripts:
- Get the Function Signature:
cast sig "isHappyHorse(uint256)"
- Conversion Hex to Dex and viceversa:
cast to-base 0x15180 dec
- Foundry chisel: REPL
- Test debug:
forge test --debug
- huffmate: import Hashmap.huff / CommonErrors.huff
- write basic simplestorage/horsestore
- I send the data
- Dispacher selects the function
- Dispacher sends the data to the funciton
- Huff Foundry Extension - Fundry-Huff- to be installed:
$ forge install huff-language/foundry-huff --no-commit
- Foundry.toml to be updated:
$ ffi = true
$ remappings = [
This will allow to use/import the {HuffDeplo}
Wrote the following files:
- Base_TestV1.t.sol: abstract contract that contains all the tests Two test functions:
$ function testReadValue() public {}
$ function testWriteValue() public {}
- HorseStoreSolc.t.sol: contract is Base_TestV1, used to test solidity contracts
- HorseStoreHuff.t.sol: contract is Base_TestV1, used to test huff contracts
To run the tests you can simply:
$ forge test
Or if you want to check Huff test only:
$ forge test --match-path *Huff* -vvv
With debag you can check the steps on each Opcode -
$ forge test --match-path *Huff* --debug testReadValue -vvv
Give us the contract deployment
We have inline assembly yul where we use yul in solidity,and we have stand alone Yul where we only ise Yul.
Install extension: Solidity + Yul Semantic Syntax
Yul has not contracts
but objects
We need to write our contract deployment
In version 2, HorseStore is a ERC721 contract so there are few considerations:
- ERC721 Interface Functions need to be declared:
$ '#'define function Transfer(address, uint256) nonpayable returns()
ERC721 Interfaces Events need to declared
Storage Slots to be delared as constants
Immutable offsets also to be declared as constans
Chisel: Fast, utilitarian, and verbose
$ forge build
$ forge test