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Installation Guide

Deeptanu2005 edited this page Jun 1, 2024 · 2 revisions

Installation Guide - Pinned Links Manager

Follow these steps to install and run Pinned Links Manager on your local machine:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd Pinned-Links-Manager
  3. Customize Your Application:

  • Favicon Links: Replace the favicon links in the <head> section of index.html with your own favicon links.
  • Open Graph Meta Tags: Replace the Open Graph meta tags in the <head> section with your own meta tags for better social media integration.
  • Google Search Console: Replace the Google Search Console verification code with your own to verify ownership of the site.
  • Buy Me a Coffee Widget: Replace the data-id attribute in the Buy Me a Coffee widget script with your own Buy Me a Coffee ID.

Refer to the comments in the index.html file for specific locations to make these replacements.

  1. Open index.html in your web browser.

Alternatively, you can access the live version of Pinned Links Manager deployed on GitHub Pages.

That's it! You can now use Pinned Links Manager to organize and manage your favorite links.