An Online Student Voting System that serves as a full-stack passion project.
- @Aeron Brylle Lazo - Frontend Lead
- @Mandy Llagas - Backend Lead
Server: Spring Boot, MySQL
Client: React.js, TailwindCSS, Vite.js
Design/Diagram Tool: Figma,
Task Manager: Todoist
Go to Click on fork. This will automatically create your own project in your own GitHub account. Click on your forked project then click on code Clone the project via HTTPS by copying the GitHub-provided link Open your terminal and run $ git clone
This will automatically create a folder that contains the project
Go to the projects folder and you will see backend and frontend folder Navigate to frontend folder and run the following command: $ npm install
This will install all dependencies associated with the project
After installing all dependencies, you can now start the project via: $ npm run dev
Go to the projects folder and you will see backend and frontend folder
Open the backend folder in your idea preferably IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
Before running the backend, please make sure that you already have MySQL Server installed in your machine. You can also install MySQL Workbench to easily access databases
In your MySQL, create a schema "voting_system"
From the backend folder, navigate to src > main > resources. Open the file application. properties in a text editor
Please edit the following based in your MySQL configuration spring.datasource.username= spring.datasource.password=
Once done, run the backend by running the command "./mvnw spring-boot:run"
Once backend has completely started without errors, open your MySQL Workbench and open the SQL files located in same directory as the
Open the init.sql and data.sql file in your workbench
Execute the init.sql file first before executing data.sql
Note: This guide assumed that you already have node.js and git version control already installed in your machine. Latest version is recommended.