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Sample Lua Scripts

Deijin27 edited this page May 29, 2022 · 11 revisions

Sample Lua Scripts

RanseiConsole supports scripting using Lua. You can run a lua script by:

dotnet RanseiLink.Console.dll lua "C:\path\to\script.lua"

As a brief rundown, you have access to the following:

  • service (an IDataService, a collection of services with the ability to retrieve and save data)
  • enums (provides you with the ids pokemon, moves, etc.)
  • lists of all enum items (under then name: <name>s e.g. PokemonId -> PokemonIds)

To start with scripting you need to first select or create a mod via the console. You can view your currently selected mod with

dotnet RanseiLink.Console.dll current mod

create a mod with

dotnet RanseiLink.Console.dll create mod "C:\path\to\rom.nds" --name MyMod --author Mia

when you're done you can write to the rom file with

dotnet RanseiLink.Console.dll commit mod "C:\path\to\rom.nds"

Change Ability

The following script will change umbreon's ability to blaze

local umbreon = service.Pokemon:Retrieve(5)
umbreon.Ability1 = AbilityId.Blaze

all the services follow a similar pattern of Retrieve and a single call to Save when you're done

Swap Atk with Def for all pokemon

for poke in luanet.each(service.Pokemon:Enumerate()) do
    local atk = poke.Atk
    poke.Atk = poke.Def
    poke.Def = atk

Enumerate method on services returns an IEnumerable of all of the items. Use luanet.each to convert a C# IEnumerable to a lua enumerator.

Randomize the type of moves

To randomize the type of all moves, we first need a random choice function

function randomChoice(items)
    return items[math.random(#items)]

then we can go through each move and set it to a random type

for move in luanet.each(service.Move:Enumerate()) do
    move.Type = randomChoice(TypeIds)
