Mish-mash is a programming languague that shows you all the internals. It started as me trying to learn the basics of interpreter/compiler design but I hope anyone can find it useful in their learning process.
My first CS teacher didn't speak much English and pronounced the "Type Mismatch" error from Turbo Pascal as "Type Mish-Mash". 13-year-old me found this extremely funny. Current me still chuckles a bit. The syntax is based on most of what I remember from Pascal, which is very little. I haven't looked at Pascal since then and I don't plan to start any time soon.
- an x86_64 CPU
- build-essential, base-devel or equivalent toolchain to run gcc, make, etc.
./mishmash my_program.msh
The debug output shows all tokens, AST in reverse-Polish notation, three-address code and x86_64 assembly
./mishmash -d my_program.msh
---- TOKENS ----
line: 0 lexeme: DECLR type: DECLR
line: 1 lexeme: i type: IDENTIFIER
line: 1 lexeme: : type: COLON
line: 1 lexeme: int type: STATIC_TYPE
line: 1 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 2 lexeme: first type: IDENTIFIER
line: 2 lexeme: : type: COLON
line: 2 lexeme: int type: STATIC_TYPE
line: 2 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 3 lexeme: second type: IDENTIFIER
line: 3 lexeme: : type: COLON
line: 3 lexeme: int type: STATIC_TYPE
line: 3 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 4 lexeme: temp type: IDENTIFIER
line: 4 lexeme: : type: COLON
line: 4 lexeme: int type: STATIC_TYPE
line: 4 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 5 lexeme: BEGIN type: BEGIN
line: 6 lexeme: first type: IDENTIFIER
line: 6 lexeme: := type: ASSIGN
line: 6 lexeme: 0 type: INT_LITERAL
line: 6 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 7 lexeme: second type: IDENTIFIER
line: 7 lexeme: := type: ASSIGN
line: 7 lexeme: 1 type: INT_LITERAL
line: 7 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 8 lexeme: temp type: IDENTIFIER
line: 8 lexeme: := type: ASSIGN
line: 8 lexeme: second type: IDENTIFIER
line: 8 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 9 lexeme: while type: WHILE
line: 9 lexeme: ( type: LEFT_PAREN
line: 9 lexeme: i type: IDENTIFIER
line: 9 lexeme: < type: LESS_THAN
line: 9 lexeme: 10 type: INT_LITERAL
line: 9 lexeme: ) type: RIGHT_PAREN
line: 10 lexeme: BEGIN type: BEGIN
line: 11 lexeme: print type: PRINT_OP
line: 11 lexeme: temp type: IDENTIFIER
line: 11 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 12 lexeme: first type: IDENTIFIER
line: 12 lexeme: := type: ASSIGN
line: 12 lexeme: second type: IDENTIFIER
line: 12 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 13 lexeme: second type: IDENTIFIER
line: 13 lexeme: := type: ASSIGN
line: 13 lexeme: temp type: IDENTIFIER
line: 13 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 14 lexeme: temp type: IDENTIFIER
line: 14 lexeme: := type: ASSIGN
line: 14 lexeme: first type: IDENTIFIER
line: 14 lexeme: + type: PLUS
line: 14 lexeme: second type: IDENTIFIER
line: 14 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 15 lexeme: i type: IDENTIFIER
line: 15 lexeme: := type: ASSIGN
line: 15 lexeme: i type: IDENTIFIER
line: 15 lexeme: + type: PLUS
line: 15 lexeme: 1 type: INT_LITERAL
line: 15 lexeme: ; type: LINE_TERM
line: 16 lexeme: END type: END
line: 17 lexeme: END type: END
---- AST ----
declare i of type int
declare first of type int
declare second of type int
declare temp of type int
first := 0
second := 1
temp := second
while (i 10 <)
print temp
first := second
second := temp
temp := (first second +)
i := (i 1 +)
first := 0
second := 1
temp := second
t100 := i < 10
iffalse t100 goto E26
print temp
first := second
second := temp
t101 := first + second
temp := t101
t102 := i + 1
i := t102
goto S6
---- ASSEMBLY ----
extern print_num
global _start
section .text
enter 32, 0
mov qword [rbp - 16], 0
mov qword [rbp - 24], 1
mov qword rax, [rbp - 24]
mov qword [rbp - 32], rax
mov rax, 10
mov qword rbx, [rbp - 8]
;; --- compare ---
cmp rbx, rax
mov rax, 0
mov rbx, 1
;; --- extract lt ---
cmovl rax, rbx
;; --- iffalse goto ---
test rax, rax
jz E26
mov qword rdi, [rbp - 32]
call print_num
mov qword rax, [rbp - 24]
mov qword [rbp - 16], rax
mov qword rax, [rbp - 32]
mov qword [rbp - 24], rax
;; --- add ---
mov qword rax, [rbp - 16]
;; --- add ---
add rax, [rbp - 24]
mov qword [rbp - 32], rax
mov qword rax, [rbp - 8]
;; --- add ---
add rax, 1
mov qword [rbp - 8], rax
;; --- goto ---
jmp S6
mov rdi, 0
mov rax, 60
There is currently only support for single source files. main.c calls NASM and ld and outputs a binary which is runnable.
./mishmash my_program.msh
./mishmash -i my_program.msh
make testmash
Executes all the tests in the test
./testmash -i
cd ./mashlib
Then either move mashlib.so to /lib64
to where the .so is located
Example program
x: int;
y: int;
a: int;
b: int;
c: int;
a := 2;
b := 4;
c := -8;
x := a * -c + b * -c;
print x;
print c;
y := a < b;
print y;
y := a = b;
print y;
Conditional statements
x: int;
c: int;
c := -2;
x := c / -1;
x := 3;
if (c = -2)
print c;
else BEGIN
print x;
if (c = -3)
print c;
else BEGIN
print x;
// print the first 10 fibonacci numbers
i: int;
first: int;
second: int;
temp: int;
first := 0;
second := 1;
temp := second;
while (i < 10)
print temp;
first := second;
second := temp;
temp := first + second;
i := i + 1;
There is no main function, the program is contained in a DECLR-BEGIN-END block.
Variables are declared in the DECLR block and are initialized to 0.
The DECLR part is optional, i.e. you can have a BEGIN-END block that doesn't operate on variables.
Assignment is done with the walrus (:=
) operator. =
does an equality check like ==
in other languages.
is a function in mashlib, which I sneakily implemented in C.
Arithmetic operations implemented so far:
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division
- negation
- comparison
Arithmetic operations to be implemented:
- != comparison
Logical operations implemented so far:
Logical operations to be implemented:
- OR
Logical blocks implemented so far:
- main block
- conditional
- while loops
Logical blocks to be implemented:
- functions
- for loops
- variable scope
Types implemented:
- int - 64-bit stack-allocated
Types to be implemented:
- bool
- float
- string
Code generation pipeline stages
- type checker
- the notorious "Mish-Mash" error
Future assembly generation improvements
- register management
- stack reclaiming
Other tech debt
Memory leaks when creating labels Memory leaks in interpreter
Undefined behavior when freeing lists