- Vue 3 + Vite 4 Minimalistic Starter Template
- Built with TypeScript 5 and Script Setup SFC
- No complex || heavy dependencies
- Google Lighthouse Reports are 100% in green zone
- Atomic Design Pattern
- Configured public folder (icons, robots.txt, htaccess, humans.txt, etc)
- CSS normalization + SCSS Mixins & Maps
- Configured router (including transitions and navigation guards)
- Simple code examples for Storage, Composables, TypeScript, Modules
- ESLint 8 + Prettier 2 for better code quality
- Cypress + Vitest for testing
- Pinia → Storage
- Axios → Promise based HTTP client
- VueUse → Best Collection of Vue Composition Utilities
- SASS → CSS Preprocessor
- ESLint + Prettier → linting and code formatting
- Cypress → End-to-End (e2e) testing framework
- Vitest → Unit testing framework
git clone https://github.com/Demetory/dim-vue3-template
npm install
npm update
Start the development server on http://localhost:5173
npm run dev
npm run build
npm run build-only
npm run lint
npm run type-check
npm run test:unit
npm run test:e2e
MIT @demetory