The steps described here will help you setup all tools needed to be able to properly follow this workshop.
It would be better to install these tools in advance to ensure that the time spent during the workshop is well spent.
Download and install git -
Make sure git is also set on your path so you can access it from a command line, or use git bash.
Download and install sourcetree -
Download and install NodeJS
This step is needed since NodeJS is installed on the super user's account (admin). By doing this you will not have to prepend every node or npm command with the sudo keyphrase.
Open a terminal and type the following commands:
sudo chown -R $USER ~/.npm
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/lib/node_modules
Open a terminal and run the following command:
npm install -g npm
Open a cmd and navigate to the installation folder.
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs
npm install -g npm
To be able to use these tools, we need to install them in the NodeJS global namespace.
Open a cmd or terminal and execute the following command:
npm install -g grunt-cli karma-cli bower rimraf
Open up a cmd or use sourcetree to clone the repository.
git clone
Open up a cmd or terminal and navigate to your project root.
Run following command:
npm install
This step is needed due to an error in the template (archetype) used to generate the project.
Open up a cmd or terminal and navigate to your project root.
Run following command:
npm install imagemin-gifsicle imagemin-jpegtran imagemin-optipng imagemin-pngquant
In some environments, typically behind a proxy the bower install step might fail. This also fails mostly on windows systems.
mkdir bower_components
Open a cmd and set the proxy with the following command:
Open a cmd or terminal and type the following command where your bower.json file is located:
bower install
The project itself can be run locally. All files are served on a NodeJS instance.
To run the project, open a cmd or terminal and run the following command where your Gruntfile.js is located:
grunt serve