Here is my solution to a coding challenge given to me by Homeday. The rough task was to write an app that uses the Github user API to search for Github users and display some information about them.
This is the result view if you are searching for my username.
I decided to write the app using Vue Version 2(.6.11), as this is my framework of choice and it is used by Homeday. Besides this, I used Scss as a preprocessor. In the project, I also followed BEM naming convention, SMACSS and the DRY principle. I decided to use a desktop-first approach, as this is also Homeday's approach and added a breakpoint at 720px for mobile devices.
You need to install npm on your machine.
$ npm install npm@latest -g
To try the app on your machine, you need to clone this repo.
git clone
Since I'm not very familiar with testing yet, I've only tested the app on the most used browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari). I would be very happy to add Unit test when I feel confident enough in this area.