This library provides a cross-platform service for communicating with PTZ cameras using Sony's VISCA protocol over TCP (note UDP is not currently supported due to it's reliability issues which can result in a camera's command sockets filling).
NOTE: Package is a WIP and currently in beta, so is subject to frequent breaking changes.
The library is available via NuGet and is delivered via NuGet Package Manager:
Install-Package ViscaNet
If you are targeting .NET Core, use the following command:
dotnet add package
Install-Package ViscaNet
Create a CameraConnection using:
using var connection = new CameraConnection(
new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5678));
The following cameras have been tested:
- Minnray UV510A-20
The following OS's have been tested:
- Windows 10 Pro 2004 (19041.330)
Please let me know if you've confirmed it as working with other devices/OS's.