- It is 20 days learning for a product based company
- It contains day by day learnings and tasks of that day
- It contains DSA and OOP concepts
- In c, python, java
- Inheritence
- structure and union size calculation
- Datatypes and sizes
- some problems on matrices and strings
- Bit manipulations
- problems on bit manipulation
- Python Crash Course
- Basics, OOPC, Recursions, DSA
- Star Patterns and approaching way
- Problems on recursions
- Tower of Hanoi
- N-Queens
- Combinations of parentheses and valid parentheses
- Sorting Techniques
- Bubble sort
- Selection sort
- Insertion sort
- checksum
- Magical matrix
- Merge sort
- Quick sort
- Binary search
- Count sort
- Binary search applications
- Two and Three pointer problems
- solved some leetcode problems
- Solved some leetcode problems