Releases: DevelAngel/vanillaos-desktop-sway-image
Releases · DevelAngel/vanillaos-desktop-sway-image
What's Changed
- feat: read ~/.config/sway/config.d by @DevelAngel in #9
- Feat: systemd integration by @DevelAngel in #10
- feat: use swayrbar by @DevelAngel in #11
- feat: use swayidle & swaylock by @DevelAngel in #12
- feat: replace swaynag message with wlogout by @DevelAngel in #13
- Feat: replace swayrbar with waybar by @DevelAngel in #14
- feat: add brightness control via blight by @DevelAngel in #15
- fix: font icons in waybar default config by @DevelAngel in #16
- chore: add features to README by @DevelAngel in #17
- Feat: notification via mako by @DevelAngel in #18
- Feat: use sway-notification-center (swaync) as notification daemon by @DevelAngel in #19
- Feat: Print Screen by @DevelAngel in #20
- Describe the installation workflow by @DevelAngel in #21
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.2.0
What's Changed
- Bump vanilla-os/vib-gh-action from 0.7.4 to 0.8.1 by @dependabot in #1
- feat(bg): change background to petals_light by @DevelAngel in #4
- Use fuzzel as application launcher by @DevelAngel in #6
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #1
- @DevelAngel made their first contribution in #4
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1