Surface version of M-CRIB.
This software uses ANTs/antsJointFusion for voxel labeling and Deformable within MIRTK to perform cortical surface extraction. A customised Freesurfer-like pipeline is provided to perform cortical parcellation on the surfaces with M-CRIB compatible labelling schemes.
The paper is available at
MIRTK was downloaded from A customised version is included in this repo.
Check the source code out by
git checkout
The script will build ITK, VTK and MIRTK. Install the following dependencies prior to running:
- For VTK
- zlib1g-dev libboost-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxt-dev python3-dev libeigen3-dev
- libtbb-dev libflann-dev python-contextlib2
- For Python
- python3-contextlib2 python3-contextlib2 python3-imageio python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-pandas python3-numexpr
This will install all of the dependencies for ubuntu:
apt install zlib1g-dev libboost-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxt-dev python-dev python3-dev libtbb-dev libflann-dev libeigen3-dev python-contextlib2 python3-contextlib2 python3-imageio python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-pandas python3-numexpr
In centos, do this:
yum install zlib-devel boost-devel mesa-libGLU-devel libXt-devel python-devel python3-devel tbb-devel eigen3-devel python-contextlib2 python3-contextlib2 python3-imageio python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-pandas python3-numexpr
The script will checkout VTK 9.3, ITK 5.3 and build it.
Pull the latest docker image from Docker Hub with the command:
docker pull developmentalimagingmcri/mcribs:latest
Run the software using the following command:
docker run \
--rm \
-it \
--mount type=bind,source=<work dir>,target=/work \
--mount type=bind,source=<freesurfer license>,target=/opt/freesurfer-license.txt \
developmentalimagingmcri/mcribs:latest MCRIBReconAll ...
- work dir: is the location of your base directory on the host, to be explained later.
- freesurfer license: is the location of the Freesurfer 7 license file on the host machine.
Depending on the shell you are using source the configuration files as follows:
- Bash:
- TCSH shell:
source MCRIBS/SetUpMCRIBS.csh
The main script to run is MCRIBReconAll. To get usage run MCRIBReconAll --help
Place your raw structural images, for subject subjid
into subdirectories as follows:
- T2 structural:
- T1 structural:
There is a wrapper script called MCRIBReconAll
that runs the pipeline of segmentation, surface extraction. The synopsis of the command is:
MCRIBReconAll [processing directive] [options] <subject id>
- --neckcrop: Reorients T2 image to radiological orientation, axial slices, resamples to isotropic voxels. Input <RawT2/subjid.nii.gz> Output <T2NeckCroppedIsotropic/subjid.nii.gz>
- Options:
- --voxelsize VOXELSIZE: Voxel size to use for isotropic resampling. Use "volumepreserve" to preserve original voxel volume
- --tissueseg: Tissue type segmentation, depends on --conform. Input <T2NeckCroppedIsotropic/subjid.nii.gz> Outputs
- Options:
- --gmsegcompthreshold GMSEGCOMPTHRESHOLD: Threshold for GM segmentation connected components (0, 1]
- --surfrecon: Cortical surface extraction, depends --tissueseg. Inputs , Outputs <SurfReconDeformable/subjid>
- Options:
- --surfreconmethod {Deformable}: Specify cortical surface extraction method
- --deformablejointhresh DEFORMABLEJOINTHRESH: Join threshold parameter for Deformable, default=1.
- --deformablefastcollision: Use Deformable fast collision test
- --inflatesphere: Perform inflation, spherical mapping, curv, area, depends --surfrecon. Inputs <SurfReconDeformable/subjid>, Outputs <freesurfer/subjid>
- --surfreg: Perform surface registration to the spherical template, depends --surfrecon
- --surfvol: Perform surface volume calculations, depends --surfrecon
- --cortribbon: Perform cortical ribbon volume generation, depends --surfrecon
- --cortparc: Perform cortical parcellation, depends on --surfreg
- Options:
- --parcatlases {aparc+DKTatlas} [{aparc+DKTatlas} ...]: Parcellation scheme(s) to use
- --aparc2aseg: Transfer cortical parcellations to volume, depends on --surfreg
- Options:
- --parcatlases {aparc+DKTatlas} [{aparc+DKTatlas} ...] Parcellation scheme(s) to use
- --cortthickness: Compute cortical thickness
- --segstats: Perform segstats on the aseg image, depends on --apas2aseg
- --parcstats: Perform stats on the cortical surfaces, depends on --apas2aseg
The following shorthand options may be used:
- --all: executes --neckcrop, --tissueseg, --surfrecon, --inflatesphere, --surfreg, --surfvol, --cortribbon, --cortparc, --aparc2aseg, --apas2aseg, --cortthickness, --segstats, --parcstats
- -autoreconaftersurf: executes all steps post surface extraction, i.e. --inflatesphere, --surfreg, --surfvol, --cortribbon, --cortparc, --aparc2aseg, --apas2aseg, --cortthickness, --segstats, --parcstats
Other options:
- -openmp, --openmp nthreads. Use nthreads for multithreading where possible.