This is a custom IFormatter implementation based on the protobuf-net library by Marc Gravell, available at
To serialize using protobuf you need to annotate your types with ProtoContract and ProtoMember or configure a RunTimeTypeModel object and pass it to the ProtoBufFormatter constructor.
To learn read, the protobuf-net docs, see examples in the protobuf-net source and the source of this repository.
Once you have configured your types, there are a couple of static methods to help you get the OrigoDB configuration right:
//Annotate your model and entities with ProtoContract and ProtoMember
// or create a type model from code:
var typeModel = TypeModel.Create();
//todo: add types, fields and subtypes to the typeModel
var config = new EngineConfiguration();
//use helper methods
ProtoBufFormatter.ConfigureSnapshots<MyModel>(config, typeModel);
ProtoBufFormatter.Configure(config, FormatterUsage.Results, typeModel);
//or do it yourself
config.SetFormatterFactory((cfg,fu) => new ProtoBufFormatter<MyModel>(), FormatterUsage.Snapshot);
//use the config when creating an engine
var db = Db.For<MyModel>(config);